

Parents arguing - what to do?


Parents are some of the most important people in our lives. They teach us life, they give us advice and guidance, but most importantly, unconditional love. Of course, not all parents are perfect. They are human, and they have their own lives that don't affect us directly. There will be cases when they will have some disagreements. Now I know there are some dysfunctional families, divorced parents, or worse cases. This time I won't be talking about those. I want to focus on 'ordinary' families and ordinary arguments.



So, you hear your parents are starting to argue about something. What should you do?


First, try to ignore it. Like I said, they may have some issues that don't affect you directly, their personal issues. So go to your room, turn on some music and try to ignore the argument. Or go outside and take a walk. By the time you are back, in most cases, they will settle the issue by themselves.


Don't take it too personally. Anger tends to cloud judgement, so if you overhear them exchanging some bad insults, they probably don't really mean it.


Do not pick sides. If you have to get involved and elaborate some situation, try to be objective. You love both parents equally (again: in most cases). You wouldn't want to hurt either of them, you just want it to be over and settled. Try to view the situation from both perspectives and give your unbiased opinion.


You must remember they love you and they want the best for you, but nobody's perfect and sometimes, they will have to settle their issues in a way you won't like. We all have flaws, after all, including our parents.


~ Milena



