

Stop Bullying, Spread Positivity!



Bullying can be an issue in every part of life- online, or offline, for kids and for adults. I try to do a few things to help stop bullying and spread positive messages in our little Stardoll community- and you can join in too!


Spread Positivity
A kinder Stardoll begins with you! One way I like to promote positive messages on Stardoll is by deliberately taking time out of my day to leave genuine, positive comments in the Guestbooks of other dolls. Maybe you could let someone know why you love their outfit, or maybe you could tell them that the way they helped another doll out in a club discussion was really kind? Make kindness the centre of every comment you make, and we could make a lot of dolls feel a lot happier about their time online.

Bullying Watchdogs
When you see one doll bullying another, it's important to report it to Stardoll. Remember- bullying is against the One Stop Rules (found in the FAQ section), and therefore is always okay to report! You can also support the victims of bullying by lending an ear if they need it, and by encouraging them to block and report bullies instead of responding (which can often result in more mean exchanges of words).

Watch Yourself
We all have our own issues, and we all say things we regret. I know I have- I'm not perfect either! If you're ever feeling bad for any reason, talk to a parent, teacher, or doctor about it to make sure it doesn't get worse. If you find yourself starting to get upset at someone online, it can be tempting to say mean things- but a better option is to stop, breathe, and maybe shut off the computer for a while. Saying or doing something that could hurt another person is never worth it!


How do you help stop bullying and spread positivity?





