



By Fall 2016 my parents plan to ship me off to college in the USA. I always knew they wanted to get rid of me, but I didn't think it would be so soon.

Apart from the application process being long and extremely detailed, there's a whole lot of preparation that needs to be done.

1) Rejection
Some of us know that we worked hard at school and in our exams and we're almost sure that whatever college we apply to will accept us. We need to be prepared for rejection. It's good to have high hopes but over-confidence can cause a detrimental ending.

2) Costs
Why can't the costs for college and cigarettes be switched? When applying, make sure to sign up for scholarship programs. Unless you know that your family can easily afford the tuition, be prepared for student loans and part-time jobs.

3) Transportation
University campuses are huge. It's almost impossible to move around just by walking. You're going to need some mode of transportation. Make sure to save up to buy a bicycle or car.

4) Classes
Once you miss a class, you miss it. This isn't high school where teachers are running behind you for their homework or assignments. You miss something, or you don't submit something on time in college, those lecturers won't even look at you twice.

5) Cheating
Cheating is plain wrong. In college, the consequences are much worse. You may have gotten away with it in high school; or you may have been caught and let off with a warning. But in college, once you're caught you face immediate expulsion.

If you're in college, it would be super awesome if you give me some advice. I'm a nervous wreck, and I have like a whole year more. Help!




