

Halloween Costume Ideas

78 महीने पहले

Hi Everyone!

Its that spooky time time of year! Traditionally, people wear costumes on Halloween whether it's to a party, or going out trick-or-treating. If you're stuck on ideas as to what to go as, then this post is for you.

Scary Creatures:

If you want to go as for something scary for Halloween, then why not go as a scary creature? It might be a zombie, a vampire or even a skeleton. Above we have LandSea's doll, shes dressed it to be a scary zombie which is definatley going to give people some frights.

Group Costumes:

If you're going in a group, then you might want to consider going as a group costume with a theme. This year, my friends and I are going as: 'the creepy Alice in Wonderland gang' with me being steampunk Mad Hatter. You could also go as: The Addams Family, Mean Girls or Disney princesses.

Pop Culture Characters:

If group things or scary creatures arn't your thing, then why not go as a character of pop-culture, this could be anyone from a cartoon, scary movie, or book. Some examples are: Harry Potter, The Joker, Freddie Krueger and Pickachu.

I hope these ideas will help you pick a great costume for this year, Happy Halloween.




इसमें पोस्ट की गई:newsfashionHalloweenuser contentStylingtipsenMiss.DramacostumesLandSea



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