Here's a Disneyland-inspired room!
There's an all new Callies Picks collection...
Stardoll Admin
- Take the quiz to find out which princess you are most like, and check out the princess-inspired looks!
- Ellen DeGeneres made a remarkable performance as Dory in the 2003 Disney-Pixar movie Finding Nemo. Now it is confirmed that she will reprise her role in a sequel, Finding Dory, that will be released in 2015.
"The script is fantastic. And it has everything I loved about the first one: It's got a lot of heart, it's really funny, and the best part is - it's got a lot more Dory", Ellen said in a statement about the upcoming movie. The other fishes, Nemo and his dad Marlin, will also appear in the sequel.
What does it mean to be a princess? The other day I was watching a halloween special on Disney with my younger cousin and I saw the most adorable, touching commercial ever. It answers what it actually means to be a princess. Being brave, kind, generous, and compassionate are some of the ways!
- Vous allez sûrement me demander si des meubles assez étranges existent ... & moi je vous répondrai OUI ! Avec des couleurs fraîches, agréables & douces, elles sont parfaites si vous voulez avoir une maison originale...
Stardoll Admin
Selena, the teen fashionista reveals her fashion weaknesses, and what goodies hang in her rather large closet.
La rumeur folle du jour : Disney rachète Stardoll et le transforme en site de princesses.
Comme la plupart des rumeurs, celle-ci est bien évidemment FAUSSE, il n’est pas question de vendre Stardoll ni de transformer le site en quoi que ce soit. Les sois-disantes ”preuves” sont des images créées par une jeune fille pour s’amuser et dont le compte a été supprimé...