News & Culture
- British Pop Star Natasha Bedingfield looked fresh and friendly leaving the L.A.X Los Angeles airport ...
- Angelina Jolie attended the premiere of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with star of the movie Brad Pitt in Berlin ...
- Paris Hilton and her new BFF Birttany Flickinger are at the Sundance Film Festival ...
Guess what heriess couldn't get an invite to anything at the Inauguration ?
- For the three teenagers in the riveting book Betwixt, dark mystery has always lurked at the corner of their eyes and the edge of their sleep.
- Ashley Tisdale fait le plein de café glacé avant de se rendre au Studio City de Los Angeles. La star de HSM porte au bras son sac favori, le “Spy” de Fendi, et une robe en tie-dye assymétrique, mais surtout 100% coton organique, de Liya.
- It'a another Julian Stardoll Myspace Moment with American Indie band Vampire Weekend ... African beats, smart lyrics and chart hits s such as "A-Punk," "Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa," and "Oxford Comma." Its gonna be a VAmpire Weekend all year long.
- Une semaine après la naissance de leur seconde fille, le 6 janvier 2009, Ben Affleck et Jennifer Garner ont rendu public le prénom de leur bébé en exclusivité à PEOPLE magazine ...