Image: DesignerHandBags
Above is the Lulu Guinness black puckered-lips clutch. This very item is currently available to us here on Stardoll through the Winter Pass.
This black-lipped clutch is what really caught my eye and what made buying the Winter Pass worth buying.
- Il m'a fallu du temps pour trouver les gagnantes du concours Superstar de Décors sur le thème "Allons au Cimetière". Voici quelques propositions qui m'ont longtemps fait hésiter...
- Il m'a fallu du temps pour trouver les gagnantes du concours Superstar de Décors sur le thème "Allons au Cimetière". Voici quelques propositions qui m'ont longtemps fait hésiter...
Have you been seeing some very unique hairstyles around stardoll recently and wondering where they came from?
Well this is all thanks to stardolls new jewelry design feature! With a bit of time, effort and creativity you can use feathers to make your own unique hairstyles. To show you what I mean, here are some of my favourites that I've seen so far.
Diorlight moonlight_22
- En France, le Téléthon est organisé depuis 1987 par l'Association française contre les myopathies (AFM), pour financer des projets de recherche sur les maladies génétiques neuromusculaires essentiellement, mais aussi sur d'autres maladies génétique rares.
- Vous avez sûrement vu hier la fin de danse avec les stars ! C'est Shy'm la célèbre chanteuse française que le public à préféré au patineur artistique Philippe Candeloro dans l'épreuve du Freestyle...
There are very few people in the world who live a life so enriched with success and influence that even long after their death, they are still very alive. These people are known as legends.
I'm here with one legend anyone would know from one glance, Marilyn Monroe.Image courtesy of IMDB
- It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!
When I first went to today's Dream Suite member's suite, I literally gasped with amazement!
RAMZESIK205 is from Poland and is wowing us with an array of different styles, colors and themes in each of the Suite rooms. It's only mid-November, but some of these rooms make me long for the warm Spring weather already...
Take a peak through these images, then head on over to RAMZESIK205's suite and see what else is in store!
- Les mathématiques, source de problèmes... (Oui, elle est nulle mais ça peut toujours faire rire, haha. Ok, je sors :p)
Hello readers. Today I'm speaking to devie44 who is a 15 year old boy called Patrick.
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll