- Stardoll n'a pas fini de nous gâter ! Partez en voyage dans de grandes stations de ski, mais ne vous noyez pas dans toute cette neige...
- J’ai décidé que je pouvais faire un Tutoriel Image qui peux vous aider à faire un maquillage spécial Noël !
- Hello again! This time im going to do 5 makeovers for every post. Then, on my next post, I will do the natural beauties again. Sound ok? GOOD! (This way I can get through the list quicker!) x Enjoy!
Medoll: Kiddier
Before After
- Hello everyone, thanks for all the positive feedback last time. Natural Beauties will be my next post, but for now, enjoy!
Medoll: kiddier
Before... After...
Hello Starblog readers. Today, I have a simple makeup tutorial to share with you. I created this to show how I made my own medoll's look.
Nothing extravagant, but hopefully this inspires you to try something new with your accessories, or inspires you to try new looks in general. Enjoy!
Hi everybody!
Since we're at the final 12-day stretch until christmas, I was going to ask you guys: What is your favourite holiday store? My personal favourite would have to be the Dior Holiday Tribute store.
Hey everyone! I just wanted to wish all of you a great holiday and winter season (Unless you're in the sothern hemisphere, in that case, have an awesome summer).
I created some holiday/winter themed makeup looks.
Have an awesome winter!
It's the holidays season so if your stuck on ideas for gifts then here are some that might help!
- Noël approche à toute vitesse, pour l'occasion, je vous propose un make-up intitulé "Fée de la neige". Ca fait rêver n'est-ce pas?
Rencontre nos Starbloggeuses
Titre: "Colors Blocks"kitty-chaanel26
Titre: "DIY Relookez vos tongs !"Callie.Stardoll