Interview with a Fashionista!
Hello dollies! Today, I am interviewing an amazing fashionable medoll. Her name is Aurelieke92, also known as Manny. Why am I interviewing her? Well, because I think she is very fashionable and she has also inspired me many times! Let the interview begin!
What is your style?
Okay, So I tend to dress vintage off Stardoll, but ON stardoll I tend to dress randomly. One day It’s vintage, and the next day it’s a bit funky. I just use the clothes and let them lead me to how my doll should dress
What Inspires you?
Well, I tend to be inspired by Coco Rocha and Blake Mycoskie [the creator of TOMS] They both are from totally different ranges, as Coco Rocha is a model, and Blake Mycoskie is a creator of a Shoe company to benefit kids who need shoes
What is your biggest accomplishment in Fashion life Online? (E.g. Stardoll, blogging, etc.) Why?Well, I became the Co-Owner of Inbetween Stardoll, a big blog, and I consider that a great achievement. Why.. I used to write for small blogs, like the Stardoll Voice, and a lot of people said I was a good blogger (even though i doubt it) And when I became an owner for Inbetween Stardoll, I felt like I’d finally done something right in the blogging industry
Before we go, heres a photo of Manny's outfit:
That's all for now! Thank you for letting me interview you, Manny!
xx Isabella
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