The Most Eventful Summer
The summer of 1969 is arguably the most eventful summer in American history.
To be more precise, this was a pivotal year in a decade that changed the course of American history. Many significant events took place. Many significant figures were involved and many key movements were birthed thanks to counterculture of the anti-establishment phenomenon, of which one particular festival became the catalyst in shaping the the future we now live in.
Photo: Fifty year anniversay of the first moon landing, and this year we also witness the Chinese land on the moon for the first time.
This summer marked the 50th anniversaries of the Woodstock festival and the first man on the moon. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s death in the previous year affected the civil rights movement optics, and like a chain reaction of dominos falling into place, social tensions contributed to other causes such as the furthering of women's rights, and LGBTQ+ rights movement as we know it today, began in 1969.Photo: Goonies4ver with Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix attending the original Woodstock '69 festival.
Counter culture rose up for peace in a tumultous age. These advocates for change (AKA hippies or hipsters, beatniks and anti-establisment advocates) congregated together at the now world famous, Woodstock festival. Rock and blues, the result of the global Jazz phenomenon that originated in the southern USA, was embraced, adopted and influental internationally and politically. Janis Joplin, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix being some examples of musicians that were influenced.
The intent behind the Woodstock festival was to use profits to raise money for a music studio by the organizers. The event organizers never imagined that their original venue would turn up an estimated 500,000 people. Many of the participating musical acts rose to the mainstream along with their message of peace and music in a time when the Vietnam War, hate crimes, and violence reigned. This event marked the beginning of a new era in music and Western history.
Woodstock 50 years later...
Since 1979, there have been four more festivals with the same name that were held as weekend anniversary concerts. This August, Woodstock 50 anniversary weekend took place. Rolling Stone Magazine reported that everything the original Woodstock festival introduced in entertainment and production, is taken for granted now. Even so, I believe music heals and unites people no matter what is happening in the world. That is something that will never be lost.
Fun facts: The success of the 1969 Woodstock festival put its organizers one million dollars into debt, but they were able to pay most of it back with the success of the documentary film. Many people that met each other there got married. The Baby-Boomers generation that attended parented most of us Millenials alive today.
In a comment below, share your thoughts on the most eventful summer. Who are your favorite figures, or social movements you can relate too? Is this your favorite decade in fashion? I can't wait to read your opinions and fun facts below.
Written by: AllDolledUp
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