

Exam Time: Survival

il y a 83 mois

I know that exams are a distant thought in many of your minds, but exams, tests, and trials are a part of everyday life. More importantly, after being through the last month of stress (in and out of school) I have some brilliant tips.Camera

1. Before the exam, cramming isn't going to help. Naturally, studying the days before and hours before can yield benefits, but right before the exam, you should be clearing your mind for new problems.

2. Excercise! What an absurd thought, I mean during exams I barely have time do anything, let alone something I don't like. Hear me out, this doesn't need to be a chore. Before the exam consider going for a lengthy walk or (what my friends and I did) raid a playground and go bananas. It is the perfect way to relieve stress and clear your head (including minor headaches). 

3. I'm not too sure about you, but when I'm happy is when I am most productive. Only you know what you need to achieve and how you can do it, but keep in mind that your sanity is important. Having some breaks, maybe to check out Stardoll or that hooking TV show, can actually be beneficial. Just make sure the break isn't the whole day (or week).

4. Breathe, properly. Breathing through your diaphragm instead of your chest is supposed to be beneficial to decreasing stress, and if not, I can guarantee it serves as a distraction.

If exams are far in the future for you, I have one tip: do it now. Whatever it is that you are procrastinating, doing it when you have the time is much better than the night before (believe me).

- Snerfy




