Février 2011
Photo: Courtesy of Boy by Band of Outsiders
Kirsten Dunst plays muse for designer Scott Sternberg in Boy by Band of Outsider’s spring 2011 campaign. The star previously posed for the label’s spring 2009 lookbook and video, marking an ongoing collaboration between fashion and film- especially where the young, style-concious Hollywood crowd is concerned. The ads feature mock Polaroid shots of Huntington Botantical Gardens, where Dunst (decked out in pleated skirts, silver oxfords and linen blazers) fishes, frolics and daydreams amongst tropical plants. It’s easy to imagine that the highlight of her day is the animated tea party with a Babar-esque stuffed elephant. The other-wordly feel seems straight off a Wes Anderson set. But such quirky touches also suit Dunst, who is known for her bohemian fashion choices offscreen.
Photo: Courtesy of Real Talk NY
Kanye was recently the cover-boy for the latest issue of Vman. The photos were shot by none other than Karl Lagerfeld himself. While we can all agree Kanye is a tad obnoxious, his latest album “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” is regarded as quite a masterpiece, and there’s no denying that the guy certainly has style, so the cover is really no surprise. However, it is a little strange that THE Karl Lagerfeld decided to photograph Kanye West. We know that music and fashion are often intertwined, but still… So what do you think of his photo shoot?
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- Il y a un an, le grand créateur Alexander McQueen nous quittait tragiquement.
Miss--kate--93 lui rend hommage avec cette biographie...
Photo Courtesy of Widbox.com
The maxi-skirt is the look of 2011! We have seen everyone from Rihanna to the Olsen twins donning this fabulous new trend and many of our favorite designers sending these flowy frocks down the runway. Whether it is a warm day, too cold for bare legs, or you simply forgot to shave, the maxi skirt is a great piece, only needing a few simple accessories to complete the look.
- Cette année, le nouvel an chinois tombe le 03 Février 2011, pour se terminer le 22 Janvier 2012 . On fétera aujourd'hui l'année du Lapin.
- Vous connaissez tous la Magnifique Marilyn Monroe. Elle fait figure de bimbo avec Ses Cheuveux Blond Vénitien, Sa Bouche en Cœur et son Grain de Beauté au-dessus de la lèvre. Comme C'est Bientôt La Saint-Valentin, Pour Vous Mes Chères Stardolliennes J'ai concocté Un Look Classique et Connu de la belle Blonde Rien que Pour Vous...
- Nouvelle édition du Gift-O-Meter ! Mais cette fois, Stardoll nous habille en Valentin/Valentine...
La version de NOH8 (prononcez "no hate", ce qui signifie "sans haine") sur Stardoll, fondée fin 2010 par Juciimami827, soutien plusieurs causes et met en lumière des problèmes tels que le racisme, les rapports Superstars/Non Superstars, le harcèlement, l'homosexualité, et bien d'autres sujets !
NOH8 permet à ses membres de signer des pétitions et de faire entendre leur voix.
Stardoll trouve que c'est une excellente initiative et a décidé de faire a promo de NOH8 dans ce blog...