- We spotted singer Ciara shopping in LA today and wow does she have some serious muscle going on! That girl must work out! It was hard to miss in her tummy bearing midriff jersey top and skinny black jeans with boots! She seems to be taking notes from Rihanna's style book! What do you think of Ciara's cropped look? Vote and let us know!We just love this Ciara remix featuring Missy Elliot. Enjoy!
- Britains coolest high street stores Topshop and Topman open in the Big Apple.aided by the super-hip model and designer Kate Moss.
Check out the video coverage from MTV
- The Jonas Brothers Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas and Kevin Jonas appeared on the Today Show yesterday and they performed live at the Rockefeller Center ...
- Disney Channel star Demi Lovato made a trip to her optometrist yesterday for a new pair of contact lenses!
- Scottish actor Gerard Butler has a new action movie out. It is called Gamer and it looks so exciting! It also helps that Gerard looks just as sexy in muddy army fatiques as he does in a formal suit! The film is a futuristic science fiction story and Gerard played an imprisoned soldier who needs to fight in an online game to get his freedom back. We are sure it will be thrilling, but we are going to watch it mostly because Gerard is in it! Watch the trailer below:
- Joko olet hankkinut itsellesi Ashley Tisdalen uuden albumin? Kaiken varalta, tässä video tulee, jos et vielä ole sitä nähnyt! Muistathan kertoa meille mielipiteesi videosta ja biisistä!
- Wow, millaisia monilahjakkuuksia Gossip Girl -starojen joukkoon mahtuukaan!
Taylor Momsenin yhtye "The Pretty Reckless" on julkaisemassa albumia ja lähtee kesällä kiertueelle!
- VOTE EARTH on maailmanlaajuinen kampanja maapallon hyvinvoinnin edistämiseksi. Sammuta valot Earth Hourin ajaksi!
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