- Amzyness1290
Take it to the next Level!
Heya everyone,
So lately I have noticed an amazing amount of talent in some girls. It seems to be the new thing to make outfits from StarDesign Hair. Some people have been very creative, creating poses, turning their heads, sitting on objects and just lovely dresses. Personally I think that they look amazing, so I thought it would be fun to show everyone a few of my favourites that I have seen over the last few days.1. Kusja
2. rojda32
3. Brandyy
4. kunfuselda1
5. TiernaLucita106. tooommmy
7. SummerDawnX
8. XFashion-LoverXI hope you liked it.
Maybe you will be inspired to create your own!That's all for now,
- Miru-smile Lue myös: "Bikinit kesäksi"
- Candy-8-23 Lue myös: "Sisustusta"
- Meude33 Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"
- humility25 Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"
- ihq_niisku Lue myös: "Tee se itse -kengät"