High School Musical 3!!!
LA Premiere !!!The premiere of High School Musical 3: Senior Year was held at USC in Los Angeles.
Of course all the stars from the movie were there:
Ashley Tisdale looked fabulous as a brunette in a fantastic sequinned top ivory Marchesa dress.
Zac Efron was ther looking Zacariffic in a Varvatos jacet and his girlfriend the beautiful Vanessa Hudgens paiored her white dress with animal print peep toe shoes
Selena Gomez and a slew of other Disney stars were there for the fun ... check out
all the red carpet talent below!
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"