

Hawaii: Its place in the World

72 kuukautta sitten

Hello! Or should I say, Aloha? As some might know or have guessed already, I have a deep passion for Hawaiian culture--something that has never been introduced on Stardoll before. So I took the chance and the responsibility to talk about it. I think it's important to open people's eyes when it comes to cultures, specially because nowadays they are being forgotten. So join me for this series about Hawaii and its culture! 

DISCLAIMER: This is not cultural appropriation but rather, culture appreciation.

This is the flag of the Kingdom of Hawai'i before it was annexed to the United States of America in 1898. The Union Jack refers to the British presence on the Archipelago, and the fact that it was the British explorer James Cook who "officially discovered" the islands. The eight stripes stand for the eight main islands, them being: Hawai'i or Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Kahoolawe, Molokai, O'ahu, Kaua'i and Ni'ihau. This is the Hawaiian way to say the islands names, but in English, we just take way the Okina or apostrophe. This flag still exists but is now called the state flag of Hawaii.

Hawai'i or Hawaii, is the 50th state of the US and the most isolated state from all the rest. Actually, it is the most isolated group of Islands in the world. The archipelago forms a chain that contains 137 islands that extend all the way to the Aleutian Trench in the Pacific Ocean, altough most of them are islets, atols and seamounts and only the 8 biggest Southeastern islands are inhabited. Its capital is Honolulu, on the island of Oahu.

Hawaiian is the official language, next to English. (Fact: Hawaii is actually pronounced Ha-vi-ee, since W in Hawaiian language is a V.   This makes it easier for me as in Portuguese we say Havaí, just like it is intended.) Its population cand be considered the most diverse of the world, containing Asians, Europeans, Americans and Polinesians from other islands. I'm SO PROUD about the fact that Portuguese people consist of 10% of the population. It's small but it's something. I'll explain that better in another post.

Hawaiians have existed a since ancient times, a civilized society with their own language, customs and traditions and even their only royalty, or Ali'i. The only thing they didn't have was a written language. This was acomplished with the first contact with Europeans, who helped them develop an alphabet with 13 letters.

Speaking of Royalty, Queen Lili'uokalani was the first Reigning Queen and last Monarch of Hawaii (1838-1917) who was deposed in 1895, just 3 years before the monarchy was abolished.

I'd like to ask, are you Hawaiian? If yes, I'd like to meet you! If you're not, have you ever been to Hawaii? Tell me your experience!

Well, stay tuned for the next posts where I'll be showing Hawaiian culture as much and as better as I can!

Mahalo! 🌺

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