

Finding Inspiration

94 kuukautta sitten

When you're starting a creative project, sometimes the hardest part can be getting inspired. Here are a few ways to start seeking out inspiration!

Inspiration Board
Creating an inspiration board is a great way to curate a collection of things that feed your creative mind! Many people use a cork board and pin things to it - quotes, pictures, your own art, postcards, leaves, flowers... the list goes on. When you feel like starting something creative, check out your board and see what takes your fancy. You could also experiment with creating mood boards for specific projects- these are used to bring together various items that share a certain feeling or concept. Perfect to start a design project with!

If you would prefer a more portable, permanent way to keep inspiring items together, why not stick them into a journal? You can glue in quotes and pictures, or even just write or draw straight onto the pages. Keeping an inspiration journal can be great for on the go - you could even use it to write down those exciting ideas that come to you while riding the bus or relaxing in the library!

Quote Book
A book dedicated to quotes can help inspire you in two different ways. Firstly, it can serve as a source for writing prompts or abstract design concepts, and secondly it can provide you with motivation to get started! You could combine your quote book with your journal if you wanted, or you could keep them separate. Include quotes that mean something to you or make you feel emotional - as those are the ones that will stimulate you creatively the most!

How do you find inspiration for creative projects?


