Joulukuu 2012
- Christmas and New Year's is NOTHING without the ones you love, right? Therefor, we're happy to announce that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson will be spending the holidays togheter in L.A. They seem to be more in love than ever and what better way to share their love then during the holidays! We thought that RPatz would jetting off to spend time with his English family, but it seems like he has chosen his true love after all!
- We spotted Hilary Duff and her son Luca Comrie out shopping! And guess what she bought?! Click on the pics to find out...
- Some celebrities are bright shining stars when it comes to fashion, while some others never seem to pull anything off. Today we've taken a closer look on stars such as new mom Megan Fox (honestly, can anyone tell she was pregnant like a month ago?!), adorable Reese Witherspoon and man eater Taylor Swift. They all looked smashing wearing their looks, so click on the pictures and get the best fashion inspiration from Hollywood!
- Super model Miranda Kerr and actor Orlando Bloom have been a couple since like, yea, forever, and they wed back in 2010. Now they have decided to "take a break", since their relationship isn't really what it used be. "Right now they're separated and figuring out what they want to do next", an insider tells. Miranda was recently spotted at Leonardo DiCaprio's birthday bash where she partied with him all night long - and that came to Orlando's ears. "There's a lot of talk about their relationship. Even though Orlando has been away working ,there has been odd behavior there". The couple will spend the holidays together and will then try and figure out the next step.
- We spotted Jennifer Lopez performing at a concert, 'The Dance Again' world tour at the Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne, Australia yesterday. The show was nothing but totally crazy! Check out the pics by clicking on them to see what we're talking about!
- Nyky-yhteiskunnan tuomat ulkonäköpaineet painavat jollain tapaa jokaisen teinitytön elämää. Pitäisi olla pitkä, hoikka, omata korkeat poskipäät ja isot silmät. Etenkin laihuus ja laihtuminen näyttelevät suurta roolia meidän jokaisen elämässä. Äiti karistaa joulukiloja, sisko haluaa kesäksi rantakuntoon, riitänkö minä tälläisenä kuin olen? Kyllä, ja täydellisesti riitätkin.
- Moikka! (: Ajattelin tällä kertaa postata Hot Buys kalenterista tulleesta laukusta. Huomasin tuossa 13. päivä, että kalenterin luukusta paljastui varsin tutun näköinen ruskea Hot Buys laukku.
- Lumi on peittänyt ihan kunnolla maan, ja joulun odotus on jo hyvässä vauhdissa. Itse halusin luoda lookin joka olisi jouluisen lämpimä. Parantelin myös alppimajaani. Räpsin sitten kuvia, johon yritin saada hieman revontulien tyylistä efektiä.
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"