Syyskuu 2012
- Jennifer Lopez has been together with her boy toy Casper Smart for quite a while now, and he's now he's begging for her to have his baby! "Casper Smart is so desperate to get back on Jennifer Lopez' good side that he's begging to have his baby", a source reveals. "Jennifer is a true romantic and wants to get married again and possibly have another baby, and Casper is playing that", the insider continues. Hm, we have a bad feeling about this Casper guy... What do you guys think, is it time for J.Lo to have baby no 3, and should Casper be the father?! (star)
- We're starting to get kinda sick of Bradley Cooper and Zoe Saldana's never ending on-and-off relationship. One day they're getting married and the next they hate each other. And now rumor has it they've started dating again: "Zoe Saldana seen eating some cereal and waving good-bye to Bradley Cooper after he stayed the night at her house in Los Angeles", an eyewitness reveals. Bleh, we're really not too happy about it, we figure they both could do better, they just don't go very well together!
- Harry Styles is really THE hearthrob right now. We mean, is there anyone out there who DOESN'T have a crush on him? Well, Harry has been connected with several hot blondes lately, but now he reveals who he'd like to date himself - and it's one of his bandmates! Well, if he had to chose, in other words..."I think I'd go out with Liam because he's a genuine kind-hearted boy", he admitted recently. "Someone being genuine is really important to me. I think if you were his girlfriend, he would treat you really well". Oh so you say, Harry! We'd be happy to try, but we guess we're not the only ones saying that... (celebuzz)
- Not only do the stars loooove red carpets, they also adore matching the carpet with bright red gowns! This week we spotted Taylor Swift, Karolina Kurkova and Nicola Roberts all rocking alarming dresses! Question remains, who did it better?! Make up your minds and VOTE!
The sun has risen, the sun goes down. Time for us to go to bed. And fall asleep, drift away far away. Your now in the state of dreaming.
Everyday, we dream for about 30 minutes. Sometimes we remember them, sometimes not.
We can dream of anything we want, there are no limits or rules. But when dark clouds fill up the dreamy sky, feet are heard on the floor, someone is banging at the dreamy door.. Beware, of the nightmares that scream through the telephone.
- En olekkaan aikaisemmin kirjottanut postausta lavasteista. Olen meinaan nähnyt täällä stardollissa monia erittäin näyttäviä lavasteita!! Harmi vaan etten ole aikaisemmin postannut ja esitellyt niitä myös teille :) Tänään kuitenkin haluan jakaa kanssanne muutamien stardollilaisten upeita luomuksia, ja mielipiteitäni niistä!
- Taas näin syksyn tullen yksi muotibloggari herää eloon! Kesällä mun mielestä aika kuuluu viettää ulkona, mutta syksyllä onkin ihanaa istua koneen ääressä - Stardollissa♥ Kaikkea uutta on tullut kauppoihin ja odotan innolla mitä kaikkea vielä on edessäpäin: mikään muu vuodenaika kun ei voita syksyä pukeutumisessa.
- Valtakunnalliset eväsretket aka. ylioppilaskokeet alkoivat viime maanantaina pitkän kielen kuuntelulla ja itsekin olin englantia kuuntelemassa. Muutoksia tuohon englannin kuunteluun oli ainakin tullut, koska avot tulivat vain kerran, mikä vaikeutti ainakin omaa kuunteluani.
So a few days ago Stardoll revealed everyone who have made it to the second round of Miss Stardoll World. Now it time for you all to vote who you want to represent your country. Make sure the person you vote for is a great example to other young girls and guys out there.
- Ay ay captain! Johnny Depp was greeted by a bunch of super duper excited fans outside of his hotel in Manhattan, NYC. Anyhow very kind of him to stay and sign autographs, such a good guy!
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