Heinäkuu 2012
I've noticed some dolls around here pressure themselves to be as perfect as can be and I just thought I need to say this for everyone to hear..or in this case read
- We're constantly inspired by our favorite fashionistas in the celebrity world, and this week is no exception. We spotted Vanessa Hudgens, Keira Knightley and even Katie Price (!) wearing awesome outfits, and they all looked amazing. Click on the pics for the best inspo this week!
- Crossing paths with a black cat, walking under a ladder, placing a hat on a bed, spilling salt over a table - these are just a few of the sea of superstitions out there...
- We've seen several celebrities in Hollywood trying on the hombre hair trend, but even more daring is dip dying- where you color your ends with a chocking color! We've checked out Lauren Conrad, Kate Bosworth, Nicki Minaj and Vanessa Hudgens who all went for a little spicier hair. But who looked better in their dip-dye? You tell us! Vote, peeps!
- I'm pretty sure everybody has a way of making their own peanut butter cookies. However, this recipe requires very little ingredients so it's much cheaper to make tons of these, plus they taste absolutely delicious!
- Uskon, että kaikki joilla on sisarus ovat tunteneet sisaruskateutta. Se tarkoittaa sitä, että on kateellinen sisarukselleen.
- Tänään sitten vähän toisenlaista asiaa, nimittäin koulussa, tai miksei muuallakin esittämistä. On tosi yleistä että joka koulussa on aina joku, jolla on rooli päällä. Miksi?
There has been a false rumor going around for a few years now and finally Callie.Stardoll has cleared it out on Stardoll Royalty Club.
- Ite oon JB-fani ja aion mennä tuolle keikalle, joka on Hartwall-areenalla, Helsingissä 26.4.2013.
- What a lady! We spotted Kim Kardashian and Rihanna all dressed up, and they both looked smashing wearing this tight little blue dress. They both had their brown hair up, and matched the dress with a small necklace and light heels. But there's always a winner, and today it's up to you! Click on the name of the one you think wore it best!
Lue myös: "Sisustusta"ekomodel27
Lue myös: "Design-hiukset"Meude33
Lue myös: "Varokaa huijareita!!"__LoVe_AnGeL__27
Lue myös: "Kevätasu ♥"humility25
Lue myös: "Kesäinen meikki"