Heinäkuu 2012
- Oops She Did It Again! Britney Spears walked off the set of the X Factor after another contestant sang one of her songs. This time one of the contestants sang the song, (You Drive Me) Crazy, and BritBrit looked stunned throughout the performance. Even co-judges Demi Lovato and Simon Cowell tried to keep their faces covered to hide their reactions. The contestant was a man dressed as a scantily clad woman, including a bedazzled jean jacket! Later Britney returned to the table and said, "I really respect the tribute...It was really nice." Haha! (Source: people)
I wanted to show 3 Medolls from the United States who all have awesome fashion sense, creativity, and are very unique in their styles.
Photo: Getty Images Sometimes when accessorizing, it’s not necessarily one piece of jewelry that creates a memorable look but instead lots of little pieces put together. For example, the perfect arm party or a carefully planned out ring mixture can create a super trendy accessory combination. When it comes to packing on the pieces there’s a beloved trend in jewelry: the mid-knuckle ring. These tiny, delicate rings sit between your knuckle and fingertip, and they’re just plain adorable. We think they look absolutely stunning when combined with lots of other jewelry or even if they are featured by themselves. Stars like Vanessa Hudgens love this new look and we think you will too! Check out these EG picks.
Photo: courtesy of Catbird CATBIRD Silver Alphabet Rings, $56.
Photo: courtesy of Etsy Vintage Spoon Mid Knuckle Ring by grizzlybirdshop, $16.
Photo: courtesy of Boutique to You Mr. Kate Crown Bow Ring, $40.
Photo: courtesy of Planet Blue SUNAHARA Aussie Coin Criss Cross Ring, $24.
Photo: courtesy of Tobi In V-Tro Mid Knuckle Ring, $12.
Photo: courtesy of Free People Sparkle Midi Ring, $12.
Photo: courtesy of Etsy Crystal Skyscraper Sterling Layering Ring by GLAMROCKSdesigns, $70.
- I hope you're all having an amazing summer thus far. I love the long lazy sweet days of summer however the Scorching hot days can be a bit of a drag . I'd like to share a few of my tips for keeping cool . Air conditioning is a sure way of keeping cool but not everyone is up for using ac for one reason or another and if you aren't it's fine because you can still keep your environment cool.
- Did you get a chance to check out our fashion blog battle yesterday? We have seven AMAZING contestants with super chic fashion blogs that you have to check out. Follow this link and make sure to vote for your favorite blogger!
This post is all about how to win Catwalk. These tips come from personal experience and I think they will be very helpful. Never give up on winning because you don't know when you just might find that gold shoe trophy in your suite!
- Hello everyone! Today I have interviewed Stardoll wig designer milenastrong. I hope you enjoy reading!
- Olen monesti kuullut iästäni ja siitä miks olen täällä. Olen tosiaan ollut stardolissa ihan paperinukkeajoista lähtien, ennen kuin tänne pystyin edes rekisteröitymään ( silloin taisin olla ala-asteikäinen). Tällä medolilla on historiaa täällä noin 2,5 vuotta :)
- Tänään olen pohdiskellut mun kaveria, tai onko hän edes kaveri. Joudun piileskelemään hänen seurassaan enkä uskalla kertoa omaa mielipidettäni mistään asiasta, koska pelkään että me riidellään...
- Hey dollies! Today I am going to be teaching you some tips to use while doing your medoll's makeup! Today's topic is blush.
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