Maaliskuu 2012

  • Oona.StardollOona.Stardoll


    Upeaa huomata, kuinka nopeasti Stardollin videotaiturit ovat ottaneet uuden ääniefektimahdollisuuden käyttöön! Kiitoksia hienoista videoista - äänten kanssa StarMoviet tuntuvat vielä enemmän oikeilta pikku elokuvilta. Tässä kisan parhaimmistoa - klikkaa ja katso! Ja muut, rohkeasti vain kokeilemaan :)

  • LodbaLodba


    Earth Hour 2012

    158 kuukautta sitten 35 kommentti(a)

    Lauantaina 31. päivä maaliskuuta vietetään siis maailmanlaajuista Earth Hour- päivää. Se on WWF:n järjestämä kampanja joka pyrkii hidastamaan ilmastonmuutosta. Ihmiset ympäri maailmaa sammuttavat valot ainakin tunniksi.

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Megan Fox is pregnant with her first child! The 25 year old beauty and her husband, Brian Austin Green, are now expecting their first child together. "They just found out and are incredibly excited," said a source close to the couple. The couple has not revealed the news publicly yet. The source says: "It's still early, so they are only telling close friends and family members."Megan has never had her own child but she's a stepmother to Brian's 10 year old son. "Megan has become a great step-mom, and Brian knows she'll be wonderful with the baby," the source said. We're so happy for them two, congratulations to Megan and Brian! (radar)

  • lilaccatgivvililaccatgivvi


    Born 18th July 1975, M.I.A (Maya Arulpragasam) has started a revolution! With her powerful blend of disjointed beats and hints of electronica, her music echoes ethnic elements and what Nas describes as the "future" of music.
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    What time is it? It's time for fashion battle! We spotted Whitney Port and Nicky Hilton in this fresh spring trend - colorful sweaters. Both of them matched a cozy knit yellow sweater with black pants and a pair of big black sunglasses. Who do you think pulled it off? Whitney or Nicky? Vote!
  • Elle.StardollElle.Stardoll


    Photo: Cults

    In just two short years, New York-based Cults have perfected what could be described as a sweet-but-salty sound, juxtaposing dreamy ‘60s-style melodies with layers of reverb. For singer Madeline Follin, that contrast has seeped into her onstage style. For the band’s current tour, which takes them across the US through April, she’s been favoring Opening Ceremony’s girly-with-an-edge collaborations. “I love baby doll minis but I also love grunge, so the textures and fabric make it more punk but the cuts make it more cute and feminine,” she explains of her Chloe Sevigny-designed leather dress. It’s one of many that she’s packed for the trip—although she notes that it depends on how long the band is traveling, “it’s usually a minimum of six dresses. The most I ever packed was, like, 15!” Here, a peek into what she’s brought along for the trip, and why you’ll never catch her onstage wearing jeans. Outfit breakdown: Jean Paul Gaultier for Opening Ceremony cropped motorcycle leather jacket, my eyelet black leather Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony dress, and black tights and black flats from Urban Outfitters. I brought this outfit on tour because: the jacket goes with everything. I wear a lot of skater girl mini-dresses—I have one in every color—so the jacket is a great piece to dress anything up. Same with the eyelet dress; I fell in love with the fit when I got it and it’s a leather dress…badass! My personal style is: a great mixture of cute-meets-punk. If this outfit were one of my songs, it would be: “Go Outside” because it is the first leather outfit I have ever owned. I went outside of my normal fashion comfort zone and actually found something that I really enjoy! I always pack: black tights. I never leave home with a pair of black tights. When you are a girl wearing dresses on stage, you’ve got to be careful! You’d never catch me onstage wearing: my day outfit—leggings, vintage T-shirt, Converse high-tops, and a jean jacket. I always wear dresses on stage, always. My pre-tour shopping stop is: the basics—Topshop, AllSaints, Opening Ceremony. If I have time I’ll usually poke around some thrift stores in the East Village. I also order a ton of stuff from Asos. Online usually is my go-to, since I never have time to shop. The best on-the-road purchase I ever made was: my jean jacket. I found it at a thrift store in L.A. and I literally don’t go anywhere without it!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We spotted Alessandra Ambrosio when she was leaving The Grove after attending at the Phillips Satin Fashion event in Los Angeles. She was wearing a white summery dress, nude heels, and she had some simple waves in her hair. We love her cute styling!
  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    We really can't decide wheather we like or dislike this new couple. Rihanna and Ashton have reportedly been dating for the past eight weeks! "The flirting began as soon as Rihanna and Ashton met and swapped numbers. That moved on to texts and then decided to meet again. They snuck off to a Santa Monica hotel a few weeks ago," a close source revealed. Rihanna has told her friends that he's funny and cute. She also tries to convince him to go to Europe this summer with her on her tour. But Ashton wants to keep the romance as secret as possible because he doesn't want to upset his ex Demi Moore. "Ashton doesn't want to rub a new relationship in her face. She's still vulnerable.", the source also reveals. So what do you think? Are you a fan of AshRih? We're still not convinced. (mailonline)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    It's a baby boom in Hollywood and couldn't help but give a heads up to our favorite supermodel moms! These ladies are incredibly hot, chic and moms! Click on the pics to find out our 10 favorite super moms!

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Some of the most fashionable celebs haven't always been so hot. We dug deep into our archives to find some real fashion disasters like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez! Yup, two of today's most stylish stars were once known for their horrible taste! Click on the pics to see which other A-Lister's once got an F in Fashion.


