

Boring Grown-Up Stuff: Your Thoughts (1)

hace 84 meses

I asked, you answered: What advice would you give to your younger self if you could?



gizelakoukla | Irene, 18.
It is okay to grow up, to learn and to experience stop being so afraid.



My name's Emma, on Stardoll I'm Ezzaiskool (because that's a name you think will suit yourself forever at 12 years old), and I'm about to turn 23 and graduate from university.

If I could give my younger self any advice, it would be to have patience. Sometimes there are things that you cannot force yourself to have, and only experience will bring you clarity. The older you get, the more experience, confidence, wisdom and knowledge you'll have, and there are just somethings that you cannot rush. In the meantime, enjoy your youth - enjoy not having to pay bills, enjoy being able to eat that cheeseburger without your stomach hating you for it in a couple hours, enjoy losing track of time with your friends at a sleepover, enjoy the your time at high school and the friends you make. Make mistakes, know when to ask for help, and embrace the person you are now, because you never know how your decisions will shape the person you become in the future.


Wow, what amazing advice!! Thank you to all these lovely dolls for sharing.

It's not too late to add me as a friend and send me your thoughts! See my presentation or my "Calling All Boring Grown-Ups" post for more details!


Til next time!

Kat ♥


