

Spooky Suites

hace 96 meses

Hey dolls, are you ready for Halloween? With stores like Bod Mod and Callie's Picks offering us some great spooky fashion and decor, it's easier than ever to create a scary suite and doll in time for Halloween.

I've seen a lot of amazing looks in the past, and I can't wait to see more, so I decided to create this litle competition to showcase Stardoll's best Halloween looks. So if you have a creepy, scary, spooky suite, let me know in the comments or in my guestbook, and also tell me your favourite part of Halloween. Is it dressing up? The candy? The chills and thrills?

I'll choose three awesome dolls and feature their answers on the Star Blog, and the top doll will get a snapshot of their scary suite published for all to see! All those featured will get a little thank-you gift from me as well.

So do you have a Halloween look to share? Tell me before October 29th and it could be shared with all of Stardoll!

Good luck!

Til next time!

Kat ♥


