

Summer Trip Styling with Snerfy

87 months ago

Hey dolls! My fellow Starblogger Snerfy and I thought it would be fun to do a collaboration, where we each style some items that most of you probably have, so you can see many ways of using one piece. For this collab, we each styled items from the Summer Trip campaign, specifically the Jellyfer Scarf and the Marlene and Nemoni Skirt


I already know that Snerfy will have created some fantastic outfits which I can hardly hope to compete with. So please don't be surprised by the amazing-ness of her outfits compared to mine! Anyway, without further ado, here are my stylings of some summer freebies!

My first outfit would be described as floaty. The scarf is very loose and layered, and so I wanted the rest of the outfit to follow along that line. Darker sandals and sunglasses added a bit of contrast and summer flair.

The second outfit is designed for a part-ay! Originally I thought that it would be easiest to tone down the skirt with some solid pieces, but then I thought, What the heck, let's go crazy! So, here I am with the sparkly shirt, multicoloured sandals, and gold accessories. Go big or go home, right?

Be sure to check out Snerfy's blog post for her summer styling tips!

How are you styling your summer freebies?


Til next time!

Kat ♥


