

Why Volunteer?

95 months ago

One thing I love to do in my spare time is volunteer. Whether I'm teaching kids at a craft day in town or helping out with a local theatre production, I enjoy the experience of lending a hand without asking for anything in return. Well, I actually do get a lot out of it, when you think about it! Sure, I might not get any cash, and I'm giving up some of my free time, but there's plenty more that volunteering can do for you...

- A resume boost: When you volunteer, that's something you can put on your resume and job/school applications. Potential employers will be impressed to see that you're the kind of person who cares enough to volunteer, be it with a well-known charity, some smaller organization, or an event you set up yourself!

- Out-of-school education: Volunteering can teach you a lot about selflessness, caring, and patience. You need to have a good work ethic and do your best to enjoy and succeed at volunteering, and the skills you pick up along the way will stick with you for your whole life!

- Giving back to the community: Your community has probably helped you out a lot over the years. You've lived there, spent your time there, and felt at home there. So why not show your appreciation for your community, and volunteer a little to make it a better place? You could join a cleanup crew to keep the litter away, or join a local choir to serenade your neighbours at concerts!

Whatever your interests and ambitions, volunteering is a great way to build character, learn more, and be an invested member of your community.

How do you volunteer in your community?

Til next time!

Kat ♥


