


96 months ago

We all know that stretching before exercise can reduce your risk of injury and improve your performance, but have you ever tried stretching just for the sake of stretching? Incorporating stretches into my daily routine has helped me improve my flexibility as well as having other positive effects on my life. Here are some of my thoughts on the subject!

Increasing Flexibility
Stretching regularly can increase your range of motion and allow you to become more flexible. This can be really useful if you are into dancing or want to be able to get into difficult positions like the splits! If you want to increase your flexibility, you'll need to set time aside to stretch regularly. It's also good to research which stretches will help you towards your own personal flexibility goals!

I personally find stretching very relaxing. It helps me with stress and anxiety, as it gives me something to focus on- almost like meditation. If you want to try stretching for relaxation, I suggest taking it easy. Pick simple stretches that feel good to you, and make sure you focus on doing them properly so you don't hurt yourself! Breathe down into your stretches in order to achieve a deeper stretch and a regular breathing pattern.

Stretching Tips
When starting to stretch, it's important not to push yourself too far in order to avoid hurting yourself. If you can, get someone experienced to show you how to stretch correctly, and never keep stretching if you are feeling pain! Always wear sensible shoes or bare feet when stretching, and stretch on a good surface such as a yoga mat. Keep breathing while you stretch, and keep a bottle of water close!

What are your stretching tips?


