- Hollywood stars are pretty much always trying to break each other when it comes to having the biggest and most wonderful weddings. Now Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have come up with an idea to make their wedding even more memorable - by buying an elephant family! The couple are working on making the two-mile long drive to their amazing house, and their wedding florist has revealed one or two things on what the guests will see. "Guests will travel past water fountains and Shetland ponies leaping as they go up the two-mile long drive to the house.", she said. "When the guests park, they'll see a family of elephants. Brad hopes it will make them smile", she continued. Err? Isn't that just strange?!
Το άρθρο με τα ''Θαύματα της φύσης'' συνεχίζεται με ένα ακόμη υπέροχο φυσικό θαύμα!
Ξεκινάμε το ταξίδι με κάποια ΥΠΕΡΟΧΑ ''θαύματα της φύσης''!
Σήμερα θα σας μιλήσω για τον Nikzi-GaGa- ή αλλιώς Νικηφόρο.
Τα σχόλια στο galop ήταν αμέτρητα!! Δύσκολο να τα δω όλα την στιγμή που γράφω πολλά διαγωνίσματα. Θα σας πω πως δούλεψα..
- Do you wanna get closer to One Direction than everyone else? Well here's your chance! The five boyband stars are now auctioning their clothes for charity. The pop stars are putting up the clothes they wore in a charity video in Ebay, and anyone can buy them - but the price is high. Right now Zayn Malik's t shirt is one of the cheapest items, and it already costs around $450. If you're interested in buying any of the items, just click here! Happy bidding!
Πολλές συμμετοχές ξεχώρισαν ιδιαίτερα, αλλά η μεγάλη νικήτρια είναι...
Γεια σας! Αποφάσισα να πάρω συνέντευξη από ένα σχετικά καινούργιο μέλος του Stardoll, ώστε να μάθουμε τι του αρέσει και τι δεν του αρέσει στο Stardoll.
- Okay we get it, you might start to get kinda sick of the Oscars. But as you all know, there are several other awards shows in Hollywood, and pretty much all celebrities have received at least one during their time in the spotlight. We've seen a typical award pose, where the celebs are kissing their award. Click on the pics and see all these kissable stars!
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