

New Year Quiz Anwers

πριν 143 μήνες

So, if you did the quiz then here are the answers. Sorry they are seperate again but otherwise it exceeds the word count. 


Mostly A's= You are not impressed by your parents mad antics but are a bit of a party animal yourself. You aren't sillt though and are hoping that you can keep your new years resolution-NOT! You are hoping that 2013 will bring good fortune, friends and fashion, all of which you live for. When looking back there are few things you would change but be careful when making important choices.

Mostly B's = You are still unsure about yourself although you have no reason to be, you are a great person with great things ahead of them. You need to come out of your shell and brave the world. 2013 although with a simple resolution could bring you all you deserve. You will find yourself this year and this will earn you things you have only ever dreamed of. 

Mostly C's = Your social calender will be full of those close to you and getting closer to you. Although money may not have been great last year or even if you want better things of 2013 then this may well happen. When you look back things will be great and 2014 will prove better of because of this. You will suddenly be granted things for your achievements and you will enjoy this year's popularity surrounding you. 


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