

How to be lucky!

πριν 146 μήνες

What would it be like, if we all had our own personal genie in a lamp? We would all wish for what we desire. Those magical 3 wishes could give you everything you need and/or want. Sadly, Genie's don't exist, but here are some few tips on being your OWN genie! 


Think of what you want to achieve! Is it a job? a new relationship? you want to win a prize? Think of your goal hard, and research about it ! 

Believe in your goal!  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is to crazy or un-achieveable. If you want it, you got it! with a positive attitude, nothing can stop you!

Make time for your goal! Even if it's just a few minutes in the week! Get a sheet of paper and plan out your goal, and how your going to achieve it! Especially with school, work etc. we are all busy. So plan it in your schedule to achieve your wish/goal

Positive thinking gets you anywhere! Want to understand the mind of a lucky person? The answer is: Optimism! It means that they are positive, and they think on those lines! The glass is half emty? Not for a postive mind! The glass is half full! 


With these tips, you will definitely achieve your wish/goal! Stay strong!

Love always, Clara. 



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