

Top 10 Healthy Holiday Party Foods

πριν 166 μήνες

The holidays are the time to celebrate, mingle, and indulge in goodies and yummy treats. But avoid the post-holiday fat and dieting as part of your New Year resolution by eating right with some of our healthiest holiday party foods.

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1. Olives and Nuts

The two are high in monounsaturated fats, which can help lower cholesterol. Olives have only about five calories and less than a gram of fat while nuts are a good source of fiber and arginine, an amino acid that helps keep blood vessels open.

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2. Bruschetta

The combination of tomatoes and olive oil is perfect for disease prevention. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that wards off cancer and heart disease. Olive oil, just like olives, are high in healthy monounsaturated fats. Keep the slice of Italian bread whole grain to make this appetizer healthier.

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3. Smoked Salmon on Toast

Forget ham or roast beef! For this holiday, choose salmons, which are full of omega-3s. Omega-3s help keep blood pressure down, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, ward off heart disease. They also give your skin a healthy glow. The American Heart Association recommends eating an omega-3 food twice a week, so help yourself to this delicious appetizer!

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4. Chicken Kabobs

The chicken is usually skinless and grilled, which contains less fat and calories. Season it with a teriyaki glaze, which flavors the meat with less than a teaspoon of sugar, for an Asian inspiration. One ounce of chicken will give you almost 9 grams of protein, keeping you satisfied all night long.

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5. Gingerbread Cookies

A favorite of the holidays, gingerbread cookies have less butter, fewer calories, and less fat than any other cookies during the holidays. However, keep in mind that, while gingerbread cookies have fewer calories, they still have empty calories, so don’t reach inside the cookie jar too many times.

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6. Hot Cocoa

Instead of eggnogs, trying hot cocoa instead. Eggnogs contain egg and sometimes heavy cream and brandy, which makes is about 300 calories and 12 grams of fat in a five-ounce serving. Cocoa, on the other hand, has half the calories and contains potent antioxidants called flavonoids that help prevent arteries from clogging.
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