

Halloween SuperStar Contest

πριν 200 μήνες

Now it's time for the Stardoll Superstar Halloween Album Contest.

You’ll need to get your costumes from the Tingeling Store:

We suggest a Bride of Frankenstein Wedding … but if you have BOO-tiful inspirations of your own … then trick yourself out and treat us to your stylish Superstar Halloween Best !!!

1. Save a Scary Series of Superstar Halloween Looks in Your Album

2. Write a description of why we should be scared of how Stylish you are …

3. Your entry will be automatically entered.

4. Contest runs through November 3, 2008, 5pm EST. Winners will be announced here in Stardoll Magazine.

The Stardollar winners are:
1 merrycris
2 hundemma
3 koira45
4 gabbie_chang
5 Hanna_teaterapa

Stardoll will contact the iPod winner via dollmail and/or email to get your details for shipping.

Σταλμένο στο:ContestSuperstarCallie's CompetitionHalloween

