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Tea With Lisa - HEROES Working 'round the clock

πριν 53 μήνες

Hey Dolls,

Today, Stardoll celebrates the everyday heroes that have helped the world during this global pandemic. Without their contribution and hard work, we wouldn't be able to sustain society while we are trying our best to stop the spread of coronavirus.

It's heroes like grocery store and shop clerks who are keeping stores open and keeping shelves stocked and risking their own health to do so.

It's heroes like mail carriers and delivery people who help us by bringing the items we need.

It's heroes like our doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and ALL workers in the medical field who are helping those who have come down with the virus.  

It's heroes like restaurant employees that are coming up with creative ways to provide and deliver meals in safe ways.

Today's fashion release is dedicated to these people, as well as every other unsung hero who is working well beyond the normal 9 to 5 to keep everything running as smoothly as possible as we stay home and protect our most vulnerable. We salute you and thank you from the bottoms of our hearts.
Σταλμένο στο:newsen9 to 5Lisa.Stardollcoronaviruscovid19

