

Writing Workshop 1

πριν 95 μήνες

Hi dollies!

Today I will be introducing a new weekly post that encourages people to pick up their writing pads and start writing!

It has come to my attention that after my first post, people were very intrigued that I am a published author. This is due to a scheme that I do in school called First Story. It enables children to get involved in creative writing and the end result is to have a published book.

The book isn't all of my work, we call it an Anthology, because there are many different short stories and poems written by the group.

This is why I want to help others to get involved with writing and to hopefully pass on my passion of writing!

Today's writing workshop is about YOU!

Write about anything about yourself, here are some ideas:

- Your name

- Where you come from

- Your personality

- Your family

- Your hobbies

- Anything else you can think of!

Have a go and write a poem (remember they don't have to rhyme) or a short story!

Starlight x

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