

Becoming a Successful Blogger

πριν 102 μήνες

If you love blogging here on Stardoll, you might want to improve your skills and achieve success as a blogger! You don't have to become a Starblogger to consider yourself successful, of course... you can define success for yourself. Here are some tips!

Creating a regular format to your posts is a great strategy to make sure that your blogs are clear and easy to read. It can also help you beat writer's block! If you look at a couple of my blogs, you can see my personal format; I use an introduction, two to four topic sections, and a question to finish off the post. Experiment with lots of different blog formats to find out what works for you!

Getting feedback from other bloggers is a great way to improve your posts! Try asking bloggers you like to read your blogs - most of the Starblogger team will be happy to do this for you, and many non-Starbloggers who have advanced blogs will have great input too. You can also ask your readers for feedback - what do they like, what do they dislike, what would they like to see in future?

Finding regular readers can be hard, but it isn't impossible! Let your friends know when you release a new post - just don't spam them with requests to read. Save your requests for when you write a post you're super proud of! You can also find readers through blogging clubs, or ask your own club members to check your blog out once in a while.

What are your tips for blogging successfully on Stardoll?

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