

Let's Talk ◇ Depression

πριν 108 μήνες

Hi Dollies,

I would like to talk to you about something that is really important to me, something that a lot of people deal with: Depression.

I've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder so depression is a big part of my life. And I'd like to raise awareness for it as many I've come across too many people not taking it seriously enough.

So what is depression?
"Depression is a common mental disorder that causes people to experience depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration."
— Mental Health Foundation

And the breaking point is that you cannot control it or just "pull yourself together" or "man up", every little thing can be a trigger, no matter how small the matter may be.
Worst thing is, depression is a common mental illness. And more and more seem to be affected by it, understandably, as the pressure to get straight A's and to be the best in everything you do gets more every day.

So, please, if you feel depressed and it lasts longer than a couple of days, talk to your doctor about it.

Otherwise, if you'd like some more information or advice, my guestbook and inbox are always open for you.

Love Always,
A. Rose

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