

More Role Models for Girls

πριν 119 μήνες

Hey girls! Beatrix here.

I was really happy to see positive feedback on my follow-up post, Role Models for Girls. I have a second follow-up post, thanks to user PiNBALLWiZARD who pointed out that I very foolishly left out Malala Yousafzai.

1. Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is a 17 year old nobel prize winner, the youngest recipient of all time. She is a Pakistani activist for women's education and human rights. Yousafzai recovered from an asassination attempt where she was shot through the head, neck, and shoulder. 

2. Anna Akana 

The YouTube Personality, Anna Akana, makes motivational and comedy videos as well as short films on her YouTube Channel. She currently has 1,100,000+ subscribers on her personal YouTube Channel. 

3. Heidi Klum

A model, television host, producer, businesswoman, occasional actress and television host, Heidi Klum has managed to balance all of this out with a successful outcome. 

4. Taylor Swift

A lot of people don't like Taylor Swift and say that she is "clingy and needy." When, that is not the case at all. Her recent song Blank Space has awakened many people to the fact that Taylor Swift is not the girl the media paints her to be. Taylor Swift is a self-labeled feminist who interacts very kindly with her fans. 

5. Emma Watson

Speaking of feminism, that is all Emma Watson stands for and more. Emma Watson is not only a phenomenal actress, but a phenomenal human being. She has spoken out with the He for She movement as UN's Goodwill Ambassador with UN Women.


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