

How To Look Like: Demi Lovato!

πριν 124 μήνες

Hi dollies!

Today, I'm back with another attempt "look-a-like!"

Hopefully you dollies like my attempt of Demi Lovato!

1. Facial features! It may not look like her right now, but hopefully you'll be able to see the look develop soon! :) And also, you may change it if you like!


2. Makeup! For the lips, I used peachy and nude colours and just had fun with it really!

For the cheeks, I contoured a little but mainly used a 'peachy orange' sort of colour.

And for her eyes, I applied mascara, and a generous amount of black eye liner on the eye lid. I also used a wine red sort of colour (eyeliner) underneath her eyes.

3. And you're finished if you want to! Unless you'd like to add a little bit of subtle detail in which case...


4. ...You can add more defintion to her face using all-over (natural-coloured) shadows and sticks! It may not look so subtle up close, but from a far it looks really natural!


5. And now you're finished! All you have to do is add the hair, and you're done! 

I hope that there is some hint of Demi Lovato in the look, at least!

And that's how I'd look like Demi Lovato! :)


