

Brain- the master organ!

πριν 141 μήνες

 Hello dollies! Time for a bit nerdy post! :D

Let’s know some interesting facts about the master organ of our body - "Brain"

  • Brain weighs about 1.4 Kg. But do you know why we never feel its weight? Because it is constantly floating in a fluid called CerebroSpinal fluid which provides buoyancy and makes it feel lighter.
  • Brain never gets tired, it works round the clock. But just 4 seconds of disappearance of blood and your brain switches to off mode!
  • Do you know what makes you recognize the faces of the dollies of your friends here or the faces of the real people around you? It’s the part of your brain called as Inferior Temporal Gyrus which enables you to do so.
  • When you visit someone's suite here and find it absolutely beautiful, your prefrontal dorsolateral cortex, the region for judging & perceiving beauty gets activated!
  • Did you know that our brain lacks pain receptors? That means brain can’t feel the pain unlike every other organ of the body!
  • Some brain cells or "neurons" are about a foot long! Their processes leave the brain and reach up to the level of your feet. They are mainly responsible for the locomotion.

    Stay tuned for some more interesting Science related posts! :)


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