- Nicole Richie ist nicht nur ein weiterer Reality-TV-Star, die Frau hat auch echte Skills! Nicht nur, dass sie eine Modeikone ist, sie ist auch Designerin für Schmuck, Accessoires und Kleidung und noch dazu kennen sie ihre Fans als Bestseller-Autorin!
- Not everyone can pull of leggings and a gold lace crop-top but if anyone can it's Shakira! The singer wowed crowds at the Bank Atlantic Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, last night wearing something only a woman with those kinds of curves can look good in! Check out the clip below to hear Shakira sing 'Sale el Sol':
- Harry Potter fans will know that the last book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" has already been turned into a film and will be released on cinema in two parts. The second trailer for part 1 has just been released and we have it for you to see right here! What do you think, are you excited for the last part finally or are you already kind of over it? We are still huge fans, so we're excited!
- Wir sahen gerade das süßeste Katy Perry Video ever! Und zwar drehte sie für ihren Hit "Hot and Cold" eine Spezialversion zusammen mit Elmo von der Sesamstraße und das Ergebnis ist einfach wunderbar geworden! Wir lieben Katies übertrieben kitschiges Outfit - ihr hoffentlich auch? Schaut euch das Video an!
- We just saw the sweetest Katy Perry video ever! She did a special version of her hit song "Hot and Cold" with Elmo from Sesame Street and we think she did an amazing job! We just love Katy's kitsch-cutesy style, we hope you do too! Take a look at the video below.
- Habt ihr gewusst, dass Eva Longoria Parker und Mario Lopez schon seit Kindestagen beste Freunde sind?! Gestern sahen wir die beiden beim Dreh einer Folge des TV-Programms "Extra".
- We watched super stars Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp filming their first movie together, "The Tourist" in Venice over the summer and we just couldn't figure out if these two would have sizzling on-screen chemistry or not...Now the first trailer has finally been released and we can get a little taste of what they will be like in the movie, we think so far so good. Its a definite must-see for us. What do you think? Vote!
- Chace Crawford isn't the only Hollywood hunk who spent time in Deauville, France, this week! High School Musical star Zac Efron was there yesterday to promote his new movie 'Charlie St. Cloud' and for those of you who haven't seen the trailer yet, check out the clip ! We can't wait!
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