- Who run the world? GIRLS! This is such an amazing initiative and a good ability to take action for global justice. Beyonce and Salma Hayek have announced their support in a new Gucci global campaign for female empowerment called Chime for Change. The initiative looks to promote education, health, and justice for every girl, every woman, everywhere. How awesome is that?! We love it when our stars are taking a step outside their usual roles to act for change. Check out the video below to watch Queen B and women around the world sharing their powerful stories! Goosebumps!
- Here is a look you can do when going out to have some fun with friends. The dark and sparkly shades will make your eyes shine even in the dark.
- Who run the world? GIRLS! Das hier ist eine tolle Initiative und eine gute Möglichkeit, um sich für weltweite Gerechtigkeit einzusetzen. Beyoncé und Salma Hayek haben in einer neuen weltweiten Gucci-Kampagne zur Stärkung der Frauenrechte, mit Namen Chime for Change, ihre Unterstützung bekannt gegeben.
- Do you wanna get closer to One Direction than everyone else? Well here's your chance! The five boyband stars are now auctioning their clothes for charity. The pop stars are putting up the clothes they wore in a charity video in Ebay, and anyone can buy them - but the price is high. Right now Zayn Malik's t shirt is one of the cheapest items, and it already costs around $450. If you're interested in buying any of the items, just click here! Happy bidding!
One Direction came out with a new music video February 20th! This music video is for their new singe One Way or Another (Teenager Kicks). I am a huge fan of this new video. I really like how One Direction donated the money they saved by making the music video themselves to the Comic Relief charity.
Check out the video below:
- Do you love the color pink? Or just need a new style? If you answered yes to one of these, then watch the video below.
I hope you like this look x
This time I want to show you how to create those glowy looks that a lot of famous stars have on the red carpets/events.
It's very simple and fast, so stay tune to watch!
- We love it when celebrities show off their charitable sides and make an action for change, and right know, we couldn't be prouder of our boys in One Direction! The group recently traveled to a supremely impoverished region of Ghana to raise funds to help poverty but that was simply NOT ENOUGH for Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall. Now, they wan't YOUR help! Check out the video below to find out how you can help them promote such an important message and make a diffrence for people in need! Do it!
- Wir lieben es, wenn Promis ihre wohltätige Seite zeigen und sich für Veränderungen einsetzen und im Augenblick könnten wir nicht stolzer auf die Jungs von One Direction sein! Die Gruppe reiste vor kurzem in eine äußerst verarmte Region von Ghana um Spenden gegen die Armut vor Ort zu sammeln aber das war Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam und Niall NICHT GENUG. Jetzt wollen sie EURE Hilfe! Schaut euch das Video unten an und findet heraus, wie ihr helfen könnt, eine so wichtige Botschaft zu unterstützen und bei notleidenden Menschen etwas zu bewirken!
- Yea, Taylor Swift, we know how you love dissing your old boyfriends in songs - but this time it's actually kinda funny! Yesterday night, Taylor sung We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together at her Grammys opening number - where she clearly hinted to Harry Styles that they're NEVER getting back together. During the spoken bridge of her hit, she slammed her ex-boyfriend. "So he calls me up and he's like", she started, continuing with an exaggerated English accent: "Ah still love you!". "And I’m like 'I’m sorry, I’m busy opening up the Grammys…and we are never getting back together!", she continued. Ha, you guys have to check it out below, it's actually hilarious!
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