The Hills
Stardoll Admin
- Weißt du noch, wie wir berichteten, dass Lauren Conrad an einem Buch über ihren Hollywood-Lebensstil arbeitet? Gestern ist der Roman erschienen ...
- The Hills star Lauren Conrad must have gotten tired of her blonde hair because she recently crossed over to the dark side and is now a brunette!
- The Hills stars Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are in New York at the moment trying to get even more publicity than usual! The newlyweds appeared on Live! With Regis and Kelly to talk about the new season of The Hills and their huge wedding!.
- The rumours we told you about are true! Kristin Cavallari herself has confirmed that she will be replacing Lauren Conrad from the next season of The Hills!
- As you may know Lauren Conrad has said that this season of The Hills will be her last and now it is rumoured that her former arch enemy Kristin Cavallari will be taking her place! ...
- Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt tied the knot for real yesterday and are pictured leaving the Westminister Presbyterian Church in Pasadena after the ceremony! See the pics...
- Audrina Patridge unveiled her new Sexy PETA Billboard on Beverly Hills yesterday. She is the latest star to become a PETA spokesperson, but Audrina is being smart!
- Die berühmten Hills-Stars strahlten auf dem roten Teppich gestern Abend auf der Eröffnung der 26. jährlichen William S. Paley Television Festival in Hollywood. Aber wer zog aller Aufmerksamkeit auf sich?
- Vor ein paar Wochen berichteten wir, dass The Hills -Star Lauren Conrad aufgehört hätte, ihre eigene Kleiderkollektion zu entwerfen. Aber zum Glück designt Lauren weiter!
- Die nächste Spin-off -Warnung um die Serie The Hills! Es verbreitet sich schon seit Monaten das Gerücht, dass Audrina Patridge von The Hills ... genug gehabt hat.
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