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- Neil Patrick Harris is one of our favorite comedy actors ever. He is as versatile as he is talented, and we think it's well about time that he received his very on star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. The ceremony was held this past Thursday, and Neil's partner David Burtka and "How I Met Your Mother" co-star Jason Segal were both there to support him. Jason also held a speech, in which he said that Neil is the most wildly talented person he has ever had the pleasure of being around, and that he's capable to host just about anything. Which is so true!
Neil gave a speech too and being the funny guy that he is, he said about the honor: "As much of an honor as this is, unfortunately, it won't be the first time I've been plastered on the sidewalk in front of the Frolic Room, and yes, that includes right now."
- Neil Patrick Harris ist einer unserer allerliebsten Comedy-Schauspieler! Er ist vielseitig und talentiert und wir finden, dass es an der Zeit war, dass er seinen Stern auf dem "Hollywood Walk of Fame" erhält.
- We were shocked when we heard that Jennifer Lopez went on a date with Bradley Cooper, they just seem so mismatched! But apparently it was all a set up by J.Lo herself! When Jen called Bradley and asked him to dinner, he thought it was just going to a low-key business dinner but somehow it was leaked to the paps as a romantic date! And fingers point towards J.Lo as the snitch! We think J.Lo pulled this stunt to keep her name in the press and to make her ex, Marc Anthony, jealous! All we can say is "lame!" (thesuperficial)
- We all know that Madonna is a total diva, a status that she pretty much deserves, but sometimes even a diva can take things too far. Rumor has that Madonna forced volunteers at the TIFF Festival in Toronto to turn away from her and FACE THE WALL while she made her entrance backstage.
What the....?! Apparently Madonna thinks her presence is too sacred for measly volunteers. The eight volunteers were working backstage at the festival and when Madonna was making her way to a press conference they all had to turn to the wall so they couldn't catch a glimpse of the pop icon! We really want this to just be rumor but with Madonna's latest spoiled attitude, who knows? (perezhilton)
- Wir hören nicht jeden Tag, dass eine erfolgreiche und aufstrebende Schauspielerin ihre Karriere für Liebe aufgeben würde! Aber "Glee"-Star Heather Morris ist gewillt, ihre Rolle der albernen Cheerleaderin Brittany an den Nagel zu hängen - alles für ihren BF
- Es kommt uns vor, als sei "Mad Men"-Star January Jones schon jahrelang schwanger, aber jetzt hat sie endlich ihren Sohn geboren! Das Baby heißt Xander Dane Jones und kam am 13. September zur Welt!
- A lot of you guys cried when we told you that Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev were dating and we totally understand, there is no one hotter than Ian! But it seems that Ian and Nina are really serious and really in love, so if you had any last hope of snagging Ian for yourself you better resign! :)
The two were recently at a party where they gushed about each other and why they are in love. Ian said, that there are "a million things" he loves about Nina, including that "she truly enjoys life...her desire to experience and appreciate everything around her, and chuckle and enjoy it, is great." And Nina is equally enamored, "He always has a positive outlook and positive energy, and he's always happy," she said about Ian.
What we love most about Ian and Nina is that they really try to have a real relationship, they keep things low-key and their romance isn't constantly pap'd. It's genuine. Which is why think that in the next few months Ian is going to propose to Nina! We love it! (usmagazine)
- It seems like every celebrity either creates their own perfume or starts their own fashion line and Vanessa Hudgens is no exception! Vanessa is already in the process of creating a collection that showcases her own fabulous style! "We're still figuring it out, but it's definitely in the works," Vanessa recently revealed, she even went on to describe what the collection would feature, "street chic, bohemian and wearable." Sounds great to us!
V certainly has a interesting style and we think it would be great if she put her creativity to cloth! We can't wait! (eonline)
- Wir wissen, dass Madonna eine ziemliche Diva ist - einen Status, den sie definitiv verdient, aber auch eine Diva kann es zu weit treiben.
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