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- Just like Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis kept her promise and attended the Marine Corps ball. Back in July, Sergeant Scott Moore invited Mila to the ball through a youtube video! It was a really sweet invitation and Mila accepted! Mila almost wasn't able to make it due to a scheduling conflict, but thankfully she was there by Sgt. Scott's side! It's so nice of Mila and Justin to both stick to their promises and attend these military balls. More actors and actresses should follow in their footsteps. Check out Sgt. Scott's invitation to Mila below! (people)
- Kim Kardashian wurde asl malipulative Diva während ihres Scheidungsskandals mit (Ex-) Mann Kris Humphries dargestellt.
- Bist du der größte Twilight Fan aller Zeiten und wirst bald heiraten? Na dann, Gratulation. Nun kannst du aussehen wie Kristen Steward, als ihre Rolle Bella Swan Edward Cullen heiratete!
- So süß! Auch wenn die Sterne in letzter Zeit nicht so gut über Justin Bieber und Selena Gomez standen (ihr wisst schon, wegen des ganzen Vaterschaftsstreits), sind sie immer noch glücklich zusammen.
- Es ist offiziell. Demi Moore und Ashton Kutcher lassen sich scheiden. Wir haben in den letzten Monaten viel über ihre Eheprobleme gehört und beide, Demi und Ashton, waren recht ruhig, was den Status ihrer Beziehung angeht.
- Mariah Yeater, die behauptet, schwanger von Justin Bieber zu sein, hat gelogen! Gestern bat sie einen Freund per SMS um Hilfe und gab darin zu, dass Justin nicht der Vater ist!
- Laut Quellen des Royal Palace ist Kate Middleton schwanger! Kate ist angeblich in der 6. Woche und Prinz WIlliam freut sich unglaublich über die Nachricht.
- We only have three years left of Brad Pitt on the silver screen. In a recent interview, Brad said that he plans to quit acting in three years, but that doesn't mean he's done with movies. Instead, Brad is going to focus on producing, "I am really enjoying the producing side and development of stories and putting those pieces together." So it's not like we won't see Brad on the red carpet ever again, but still!
We guess the life of an actor is too demanding for Brad, especially when it comes to his family, because Brad also announced that he and Angelina Jolie weren't done having kids! "You know, I don't know that we're finished...I don't know yet," Brad said when asked about expanding his family. And while we're super sad that we only have three years left of watching Brad in front of the camera, a new addition to the Jolie-Pitt family makes us ridiculously happy! (eonline)
- Beliebers, heute ist es soweit: Justin Bieber ist zu Gast bei X-Factor. In der fünften Liveshow wird Justin seine neue Single “Mistletoe” performen und nicht nur die Fans sind aufgeregt.
- Remember this summer when Justin Timberlake was invited to the Marine Corps ball via Youtube? Cpl. Kelsey DeSantis sent out the invite to Justin and he actually accepted! Justin seemed to have a great time at the ball, "Thank you Corporal Kelsey DeSantis. Thank you for inviting me. And, thank you for being my hero," he wrote on his website. We think that was really sweet of Justin and so unlike most of the celebrities in Hollywood, and this is reason number 160032 why we love Justin Timberlake! Check out the invitation that Kelsey sent Justin below! (wtvr)
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