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- Ist Ryan Gosling wieder auf dem Markt? Gestern haben Quellen gerichtet, dass Ryan kürzlich heimlich nach Kapstadt in Südafrika geflogen ist und bei einem Abendessen mit einem sexy deutschen Model gesehen wurde.
- Letztes Jahr gab es einige Gerüchte über eine Romanze von Kim Kardashian und Kanye West. Kims Schwester, Khloe Kardashian, bestätigt nun, dass sie Gerüchte wahr sind. Kim und Kanye trafen sich im Dezember bei einer Party in Los Angeles und während des Abends blieb Kanye immer in Kims Nähe.
- This is amazing news! Elle Fanning is in talks to play Aurora in the upcoming Sleeping Beauty adaption Maleficent, which is slated to start filming in London starting in June. It sound so great! And no less than Angelina Jolie will be playing the the evil sorceress, the opposite of Aurora. How good isn't that sounds? We really hope this one is true! Elle would be an awesome sleeping beauty! (perezhilton)
- It has been rumors that the couple, Halle Berry and Oliver Martinez, are engaged with each other. Halle have carried an engagement ring since Janurai. But the couple has never confirmed that they are engaged. But now Oliver finally confirmed that their engagement rumors are true, he confirmed it with a simple "Yes, of course it's true." The ring that Halle is carrying is designed by Roberto Mazlo whose family has been designing jewelry for kings and queens for many centuries. Wow, we're so happy for Halle and Oliver. Congrats to you both! (miami)
- Man hörte in letzter Zeit immer wieder Gerüchte, dass sich Halle Berry und Oliver Martinez verlobt haben sollen. Halle trug seit Januar einen verdächtigen Ring am Finger, aber das Paar äußerte sich nie öffentlich zu ihrem Beziehungsstatus.
- Bobbi Kristina Brown erzählte uns in einem Interview mit Oprah Winfrey über ihre Mutter, was gestern ausgestrahlt wurde. In dem ersten Interview seit Whitneys Tod sagte Bobbi Kristina, dass ihre Mutter noch bei uns ist: "Ich kann ihre Stimme hören, sie spricht mit mir, sie sagt 'Mach weiter, Baby."
- Demi Lovato may have a new love in her life: Big Time Rush’s Logan Henderson! According to a witness, Demi kissed Logan at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New York City. Both were also spotted together earlier in the evening at the premiere for the Nickelodeon original TV movie, Big Time Movie. They sat next to one another, looking cozy as they posed for pictures inside. Demi and Logan are good friends and have known each other for some time.. But could this really be something more than friendship between them? We hope so! (celebuzz)
- Sienna Miller has done everything to keep her pregnancy a secret, but she has now finally confirmed the rumors! She is expecting a baby with her boyfriend, Tom Sturridge. The couple have only been together for a short time (since mid 2011) but Sienna is looking forward to starting a family with Tom. "I'm feeling fine. It's all progressing nicely and it's very exciting. It's nice to start a new decade." We're so happy for Sienna and Tom, they will make a very cute family. She really deserves this! (dailymail)
- We've heard nothing from Heidi Klum ever since her break-up from Seal. But now she opens up in Elle Magazine's April issue about their shocking split: "But as hard as it is, so is life. And sometimes I think a curveball just comes at you. Instead of something straight that you catch, it hits you in the head from the side that you didn't expect.", the supermodel and host of Project Runway says. Heidi and Seal were a couple for seven years. But the two had problems, just like everyone else."To the outside world, you don't really share all the things that happen. You kind of share just the most amazing sides," she explains in Elle. "But I don't really want to get into any of that stuff. With my life, my family, my business -- I want to go forward." Seal has been talking endlessly about their split while promoting is new album."He's a grown man. I can't tell him what to do and what not to do,", she says about his behaviour. "It's hard.". We couldn't agree more, it must be so hard for her! (usmagazine)
- Sienna Miller hat alles versucht, ihr Schwangerschaft geheim zu halten, aber nun hat sie endlich die Gerüchte bestätigt! Sie erwartet ein Kind mit ihrem Freund Tom Sturridge. Das Paar ist erst seit kurzer Zeit zusammen (seit Mitte 2011), aber Sienna freut sich darauf eine Familie mit Tom zu gründen.
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