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  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Now Bruce Willis has become a father again! His second wife, Emma Heming, gave birth to a girl on Sunday, April 1. The newborn, who weighted nine pounds one ounce, is Bruce's fourth daughter. The lucky parents are "overjoyed" and have already chosen a name for the newborn, Mabel Ray Willis. Both the mother and the little baby girl are reported to be healthy. Bruce and Emma have been married since 2009 and Mabel Ray is their first child together. We wish them all the best in the future! (WENN)

  • Selina.StardollSelina.Stardoll


    Ist es endlich Zeit für ein royales Baby? Es ist bereits ein Jahr her, dass Prince William und Kate Middleton "Ich will" sagten und seitdem schauen wir auf Kate's Bauch. Es wurde berichtet, dass Kate und Will einige familienfreundliche Änderungen am Kensington Palace vorgenommen haben.

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Get a load of this - Eva Longoria and Eduardo Cruz are reportedly back together, already! Last night the former couple were seen arriving and leaving at a romantic restaurant in West Hollywood. And they seemed quite happy together. A witness shares: "Over the course of the evening, Eva and Eduardo were holding hands and whispering to each other, and things definitely appear to be back on between them." Uh-huh! Eva and Eduardo never confirmed their split officially, but everyone knows that they've spent a long time apart. And now their paths finally have crossed again. "I feel very excited about my life and I'm excited about things to come. There are so many things on the horizon," Eva recently said. We're pretty sure that Eduardo is one of those things. (x17)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Rihanna has revealed that she would love to portray Whitney Houston in an upcoming rumored biopic. Rihanna hasn't received the part yet, "I didn't get that call yet. That would be something that I would have to give my entire life to do because I would want to really pull it off. That's a huge, huge role and whoever does it has to do a good job." Rihanna has always been a huge Whitney fan and has always been inspired by her music, "I met her at a Clive Davis party. I love her. She's one of my big music icons, and I have always looked up to her," Rihanna said. She continued: "My first song that I remember falling in love with was a Whitney Houston song - I Will Always Love You. All of her music was really inspiring and it made me develop a passion for music, so really she's partly responsible for me being here in this industry." We hope to see Rihanna portraying Whit, she would be perfect for the role! (press association)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    One of our favorite actors ever, Alec Baldwin, just announced his engagement! He became engaged to his girlfriend, Hilaria Thomas, on his birthday (which was yesterday- happy b-day Alec!). Hilaria, 28, is a yoga instructor and Alec is 54. The age difference doesn't seem to bother them at all! How did Alec announce the news? He re-tweeted a tweet his friend, Matthew Hiltzik, posted about him. "Congrats to my longtime friend Alec Baldwin and his wonderful bride to be Hilaria Thomas. Congrats on his engagement." We find Alec incredibly sexy and think that Hilaria is one lucky lady! Congrats again! (people)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Adele is probably the most talented singer out there right now. She writes her own music and her voice is AMAZING. We've heard a lot of rumors from Adele about when her next album would come out, we even heard she was taking a 3 year break from music! But it turns out that Adele plans to have a new single out by the end of the year! Hooray! She is also planning a new album in two years! "If I didn't write my own songs, I'd be out next week with a new album," Adele recently stated. "I have to take time and live a little bit. There were a good two years between my first and second album, so it'll be the same this time." Adele was asked about who she would like to sing with and she said, "I adore Beyonce, I've been listening to her since I was about 11." What a great duet that would be! We can't wait for the new single, the new album, and maybe a Beyonce-collaboration! (bbc)

  • Selina.StardollSelina.Stardoll


    Adele ist wohl die talentierteste Sängerin im Moment. Sie schreibt ihre eigene Musik und ihre Stimme ist UNGLAUBLICH. Wir haben einige Gerüchte über Adele gehört, wann ihr neues Album heraus kommt und wir hörten sogar, dass sie eine dreijährige Pause von der Musik nehmen will.

  • Selina.StardollSelina.Stardoll


    Reese Witherspoon scheint eine tolle Mutter zu sein. Die Schauspielerin prach kürzlich darüber, wie sie mit ihren Kindern über häusliche Gewalt gesprochen hat: "Wir haben über häusliche Gewalt gesprochen und was das bedeutet.

  • Selina.StardollSelina.Stardoll


    Wir können euch voller Vorfreude berichten, dass Rihanna an ihren neuen Album arbeitet! Das vorherige Album "Talk That Talk" wurde zwar erst im November veröffentlicht, aber scheinbar beginnt sie schon jetzt wieder mit Ideensammlungen für ihr 7. Studioalbum. Wow - diese Frau kann man nicht aufhalten!Vor kurzem sagte sie folgendes: "Ich denke definitiv schon wieder über ein neues Album nach. Ich bin ein Mulit-Tasker. Momentan sammle ich Ideen und denke über den Sound nach, bevor wir dann konkret an Melodien und Texten arbeiten. Ich habe derzeit eine sehr allgemeine Idee, wie es klingen soll. Es ist noch zu früh, konkret darüber zu sprechen, aber meine Fans könnten sich darauf freuen, besonders die britischen Fans."Das klingt doch viel versprechend und wir freuen uns total! (perezhilton)

  • Amber.StardollAmber.Stardoll


    Woah, we didn't see this coming but now that's happening we totally get it! Ashton Kutcher will play Apple creator, Steve Jobs, in the upcoming indie movie "Jobs." The film will be about Steve from his beginning as a hippie to when he became the most famous creative tech guy in the world! Don't expect to see "Jobs" anytime soon, production won't start till May. Regardless, we're still excited and can see an eerie similarity between Steven and Ashton- seriously just take a bit of weight off Ashton's face and they could be brothers! (variety)


