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- Man würde meinen, dass eine Supermodel Mutter Einfluss auf den Stil ihrer Kinder hat. Und ja, das ist auch so bei Heidi Klum's vier Kindern Leni, 8, Henry, 6, Johan, 5, and Lou, 2. Ihre heiße Mama, die zur Zeit die Realityshow 'Project Runway' moderiert, sagte den Reportern "Wir haben Regeln zu Hause. Regel Nr. 1 ist immer cool auszusehen und Regel Nr. 2 ist Regel Nr. 1 nicht zu vergessen. Wir haben auch andere Regeln … aber die Nr. 1 ist immer cool auszusehen." Wir hoffen sie macht Witze?!Ihre beiden ältesten Kinder, Leni und Henry, stehen wirklich auch Mode sagt Heidi. "Henry wechselt 10 Mal am Tag die Sachen und will sehr cool sein."
- Justin Bieber und Selena Gomez werden heiraten! Moment mal, wast?! Hier ist die Erklärung... Im Mai war Timbaland bei Justin Timerlake und Jessica Biel's "geheimer" Verlobungsparty. Niemand sollte das wissen - aber alle wussten es!
- Der 32jährige Rapper The Game (Jayceon Terrell Taylor) hat die Hochzeit mit seiner Ex-Verlobten, Tiffney Cambridge, am 28. Juli abgesagt. The Game sagt er sei Schuld. Er und seine Verlobte Tiffney Cambridge sollten angeblich auch eine Hochzeits-Reality-Show bekommen, die nun auch abgesagt wurde.
- Danger at work! Halle Berry was rushed to the hospital Tuesday night after suffering an injury on the set of her latest movie 'The Hive'. Sourses say that Halle fell and hit her head on concrete. Due to the risk of serious injury, the film crew rang and ambulace which picked Halle up at the set and drove her straight to the Cedars Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Sources say that Halle has now been released from the hospital and will go back to the movie set to keep filming scenes as planned.This is not the actresses first accident at work. Earlier this year, she suffered an ankle injury during another movie shoot in Spain. We are a bit concerned, does she take on too dangerous roles or is she just having bad days at work? Either way, take it easy and get well soon Halle! (tmz)
- Was sagt man dazu, die hart arbeitende Lady Gaga will nur das beste und deswegen plant sie ihr Vermögen in ein riesiges Hausprojekt in Kreta, Griechenland, zu inverstieren.
- What can you say, hard working Lady Gaga wants nothing but the best and is therefore planing on spending her fortune on a massivie building project in Crete, Greece. The plan is to build a house that appears to be floating in the sea. How is that going to happen?! Sourses say that "It's right on the water and appears to be floating, so anyone wanting a gander will only be able to see it if they go by boat." Smart move Gaga! Like a floating home was not enough, Gaga wants to splash out on even more property on the land she bought last year. "Besides the palace and church, the project will also include a tennis court and two pools." says the insider source.The source adds "It has ended up costing over $72m for the whole development and that's only so far. Extra costs are sure to mount up." In 2010 it was rumoured she was considering getting married on the Greek island with her boyfriend at the time, Luc Carl. Could there be a reunion on the way? (Source: Star magazine)
- Unser liebstes Twilight Mädchen, Kristen Steward, hat sich unter's Messer gelegt! Oder zumindest sagen das die Experten. "Kristen Stewart hat nun statt einem großen A Körbchen ein großes B Körbchen und das ist normalerweise das Resultat einer Brustvergrößerung." sagen zwei New Yorker Plastischer Chirurgen.
- Wir haben schon zuvor berichtet, dass Justin Bieber derzeit einen Fotographen verklagt, weil dieser ihn vor einigen Wochen in L.A. mit dem Auto verfolgt hat. Der Biebs fuhr in aller Ruhe in seinem silbernen Sportwagen und wurden dann auf der Straße von dem verrückten Pararrazi gejagt, was ihn und das Leben anderer gefährdete.
- We previously reported that Justin Bieber has filed a harassment complaint against one of the paparazzi who chased him down an L.A. freeway a few weeks ago. The Biebs, who was driving around peacefully in his silver chrome sports car, claimed that the guy chasing him was a maniac on the road and put several lives in danger. News are in that the photographer might be facing one year in jail! The man who drove after Justin in a speed way above the freeway limit could be the first person charged under a new California anti-paparazzi law! The law is brand new and prohibits paparazzi from endangering people while trying to shoot photos or video. Could Justin be going down in the history books as the fist ever victum of this anti-paparazzi law? We are not too sure if it is something he would want to be remembered for! (tmz)
- Congrats Uma Thurman! Uma gave birth to a little baby girl on Sunday, and it's her third child: "Mom and baby are doing well!", a rep for Uma tells. The 42-year-old actress has two children before with her ex-husband, and no one, especially not Uma herself, thought that she'd become a mom again: "Uma was definitely not planning on having another kid. It was a surprise", a source revealed when the news first broke about her pregnancy. "But she's over the moon about it, very excited". Well we guess she and her beau Arpad Busson are happier than ever, and we wish them all the best! (usweekly)
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