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- Kim Kardashian isn't too happy about turning 32, but what could cheer her up better than a $1million birthday bash by her beau Kanye West?! “Kim has been really down about turning 32 and having two failed marriages behind her and no children, so he wants to make this extra-special.", an insider reveals. “Plus it’s her first birthday since they’ve been together as a couple.", the source added. An Kanye is well known for spoiling the women he's dating: "Kanye has never been shy of splashing out on the women he loves, but this time he’s pulling out all the stops with presents.” WOW, can you imagine having this man in your life?! (thesun)
- Yesterday Shakira and her boyfriend, Spanish soccer player Gerard Pique, finally confirmed that they're expecting their very first child! We've all been speculating about this for weeks, but now it's official: "As some of you may know, Gerard and I are very happy awaiting the arrival of our first baby!", Shakira wrote on her website yesterday. "At this time, we have decided to give priority to this unique moment in our lives and postpone all the promotional activities planned over the next few days", she continued. Woah, one more?! The baby boom is really nuts in the celebrity world at the moment! Congrats! (iafrica)
- Robbie Williams und seine Frau Ayda Field wurden jetzt zum ersten Mal Eltern! Das kleine Mädchen, Theodora Rose Williams, wurde gestern geboren: "Baby, Mami und Papi sind alle wohlauf...
- Tori Spelling recently gave birth to her fourth child, but instead of resting at home, the actress was RUSHED back to the hospital! "Tori underwent emergency surgery over the weekend due to complications from her c-section", her spokesperson tells. "She remains in the hospital and is resting comfortably". The delivery of her son was her fourth caesarean section and her second within a year, since her daughter Hattie was born last October (that's crazy fast!). We hope you get well soon, Tori! (people)
- Robbie Williams and his wife Ayda Field are now parents for the first time! The little girl, Theodora Rose Williams, was born yesterday: "Baby, Mummy and Daddy are all rockin...Thank you for your best wishes", he wrote on twitter. "Praise be, it's Theodora Rose Williams, affectionately known as Teddy... Born 3.33pm on 18.9.12, 7lbs 4oz", he continued. Aw, isn't this just too cute?! We're so happy for him! We love how he also picked a pretty "normal" name, not like his singer colleagues: "No mad celebrity name. It's not Appleesquee. It's a very solid, old-school name", he said earlier about little Theodora. Congrats, Robbie! (bbc)
- Aufgepasst Twihards! Robert Pattinson und Kristen Stewart sind wieder ein gemeinsames Ding, nach all den Seitensprüngen und Skandalen! Rob hatte ein echtes Herz-zu-Herz-Gespräch mit seiner Kollegin und Exfreundin und jetzt hat er ihr "den dummen Fehler" verziehen.
- Angelina Jolie has been traveling around the Middle East to spend time with Syrian refugees in UNHCR camps in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan all week. She dis this to draw attention to the plight of the hundreds of thousands who have lost their homes in the civil war. Angelina says: “I was moved to meet Syrian families in homes where they are welcomed and protected”. Angie is not longer only a “goodwill ambassador” for the UNHCR, she has been elevated to "Special Envoy". That's awesome! We admire this woman so much, we would like to see more celebrities like her working for a better world like her! (
- It seems like Demi Lovato has found a way back to her on-again, off-again boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama! Thee two stars joined each other on a private event in West Hollywood to celebrate the Season 2 premiere of “The X Factor.” They Both were also spotted togheter at the Sherman Oaks Galleria, enjoying some Mexican food, before the went to Demi's place. Months ago, Demi tweeted; “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be". So what do you think? Will Demi and Wilmer get back together for real this time? (nypost)
- Gibt es noch Hoffnung für Robert Pattinson und Kristen Stewarts zerbrochene Beziehung? Kürzlich erschienene Berichten enthüllten, dass Kristen große Angst hat, ihr Ex würde mit einer anderen Frau schnell über sie hinwegkommen, aber es sieht nicht so aus als würde das passieren.
- Justin Bieber und Selena Gomez scheinen die perfekte Teenager Beziehung zu haben. Könnt ihr euch vorstellen reich und berühmt zu sein und jemanden zu daten, der genauso ist?
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