Hot news
- We're still sitting on pins and needles for Brangelina's big day! But rejoice, wedding enthusiasts! Now we have more deets: Brad Pitt recently opened up to People about his upcoming walk down the aisle, and he has a "good feeling" his wedding with Angelina Jolie will happen "soon." Gah! He also revealed that they want a simple affair with their kids. Hm, we kind of wished for a spectacular blow-out bash... But hey, the main thing is that they are happy, right?
- Wir haben es wirklich kommen sehen, aber jetzt ist es endlich offiziell! Kate Middleton und Prince William erwarten ein königliches Baby! Gestern wurde die Ankündigung gemacht, nachdem die Herzogin ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert wurde, weil sie Probleme mit der Schwangerschaftsübelkeit hatte.
- Back in 2011 Kim Kardashian tried to make it as a pop star, but it completely failed. Now she's all set to make a singing career again, with the support of her boyfriend Kanye West! "Kim Kardashian wants to top the pop charts and her beau Kanye West has vowed to make it happen", a close Kardashian insider reveals. "Kim believes that Kanye's connections and talent could turn her into the next top 40 singing sensation". Kim and Kanye has booked two months for Kim at his Honululu recording studio and he has promised to write killer tunes for her. Are you excited about this upcoming pop star or not? (nationalenquirer)
- OMG! This was EXACTLY what we needed a dull day like this. Justin Bieber's new "Girlfriend' fragrance ad is out, and it's like the cutest ever. The video features Justin and an unseen girlfriend (yea, feel free to imagine it's you!), and they get very close up and personal on a road trip. Check it out below and tell us what you think. And hey, will you buy the new perfume? We bet it's just as amazing as "Someday".
- We've wondered for so long now when Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will get married, and now Brad himself says that the wedding will take place in the near future: "The time is nigh", he just stated. They haven't set a date yet, but they're ok with that: "I don't even know what's going to happen in two weeks", he said laughing. Their kids are the ones who's pressuring them to get married very soon: "I am getting more pressure from my kids, and it is something I want to do within their lifetime, but I also feel like the time has to come... It's soon. I got a good feeling about it". Awww, isn't Angie just a very lucky woman?!
- Schauspielerin Anne Hathaway schnitt für ihren kommenden Film Les Miserables ihre Haare ab und plötzlich merkte sie, dass sie über ihren neuen Look nicht glücklich ist.
- Wir fragen uns schon so lange, wann Brad Pitt und Angelina Jolie endlich heiraten und jetzt sagt Brad dass die Hochzeit in naher Zukunft stattfinden wird: "Bald ist es soweit", sagte er erst vor Kurzem.
- Da gab es einige Gerüchte um den One Direction Star Liam Payne, dass er eine Solokarriere plane und dass er mit Leona Lewis zusammen sei.
- Rapper Lil Wayne is looking to extend his family even further! Even though he's a cool rock-like rapper, he's always been sort of a family man. Weezy recently revealed to MTV that he soon will be a married man: "Happily married too." he said. He also jokes: "I'll probably run down the aisle," he said in between his trademark giggle. "I'll probably slide into the preacher like it was home plate."Hah! We can't wait to see you walking down thw aisle LW! Can you picture Lil Wayne as a husband?
- Wir dachten, was Chris Brown angeht, hätte Rihanna so ziemlich nichts wofür sie sich bedanken könnte, aber anscheinend lagen wir da falsch. Dieses Thanksgiving verbrachtete sie mit ihrem "hin-und-wieder-Freund" Chris in Berlin.
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