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- Justin Timberlake made his big music comeback when he released the song Suit&Tie with Jay-Z and the following album The 20/20 Experience, that was released on March 15. Now it is revealed that he may release yet another album during this year, according to Contactmusic.
''Spoiler alert. 20/20 Vol 2 comes out in nov. (10 songs now . . . 10 songs later= 20 vision)", The Roots' drummer wrote on a music forum. Justin himself still hasn't confirmed if that is true.
- Taylor Swift has written several songs about her exes, and now Harry Styles, who she dated until earlier this year, is aware that her new hit song I Knew You Were Trouble is in fact about him. During this year's BRIT Awards she even performed it in front of him.
"Well, it's not hard to access that emotion when the person the song is directed at is standing by the side of the stage watching", she said about the performance.
"You're balancing the analytical side of your brain which is telling you where to go and how to go there, with the other side of your brain, which is saying, 'Feel everything you're singing, and show it on your face. Feel everything exactly as you felt it when you wrote the song.'", she continued.
Harry Styles hasn't said anything about the certain song, but he has admitted that he thinks Taylor is great at what she does.
- We very rarely see Nicki Minaj not wearing makeup, and now she admits she's obsessed enhancing her features and believes everyone should apply tons of makeup, says Contactmusic.
"I'm really into contouring to change the shape of my face. When it comes to putting on fake eyelashes, I use a little imagination, a lot of eyeliner, a steady hand and no fear. For me, more is more.'', she said about her appearance.
Her other beauty tricks are drinking lots of water, always go to bed without makeup and slather yourself in cocoa butter.
- Justin Timberlake hatte sein großes Comeback als er zusammen mit Jay-Z das Lied Suit &Tie herausbrachte und am 15. März das darauffolgende Album The 20/20 Experience. Nun wurde enthüllt, dass er dieses Jahr vielleicht noch ein zweites Album herausbringen wird, berichtete Contactmusic.''Achtung, wir verraten ein Geheimnis! 20/20 Vol 2 wird im November erscheinen. (10 Lieder jetzt... 10 Lieder später = 20 vision)", das jedenfalls schrieb der Drummer von The Roots in einem Musikforum. Justin selbst hat sich dazu jedoch noch nicht geäußert.
- Selena Gomez is doing everything to erase Justin Bieber from her life, she is litterly cleansing herself! Selenita has now banned all of Justin Bieber's music from the after party for the Spring Breakers premiere. An insider says that a partygoer requested the Biebs’ Beauty and a Beat at the party, but the DJ told her: “No, I’m sorry I can’t play it. I was told specifically from her people that any Justin Bieber songs were off limits tonight.”
That's the spirit, Selena! We know exes can be hard to can be difficult to wash away from the soul, and especially when he's whone of the world's most famous guys. We're by your side, guurl! (perezhilton)
- What a collab! celebrated his 38th birthday with a brand new single featuring no less than the Biebs himself! The rapper hooked up with Justin Bieber back in February and recorded this up-tempo song called #ThatPower and it really, really gets us in the right mood for this weekend! Listen to the song below and make sure to leave an opinion guys!
- The American Idol host Ryan Seacrest and his girlfriend Julianne Hough have broken up after more than two years of dating! Becase of their busy schedules, they both decided that they need time apart and they are no longer living togheter. This is so sad! We thought that they were inseparable, and the fact that they are now going seperate ways is prett heartbreaking! (perezhilton)
- According to media, Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth is pretty split up, but Miley has finnally explained why her engagement ring has been missing on Twitter and maybe they are actually still are still set to be wed! One of Mily's backup singers, Lindsey J. Lee, was the girl who led us on the path of explanation when she tweeted: "Had to send off my engagement ring today to get fixed... one of the little diamonds fell out... I feel naked without it :( so sad!". A few minutes later, Miley responed on her tweet: @lindseyjlee ugh that's the worst! I just had a similar situation except when it happens to me then everyone says my wedding is off."
So THAT'S why her ring has been missing? She was just getting her ring fixed?! Well, that explains the ring part, but we still think there might be some troble in paradise between Miley and Liam. Why would he book a flight to Australia and canceling appearances either way? (perezhilton)
- Selten sahen wir Nicki Minaj nicht Make-up tragen und jetzt gibt sie zu, dass sie davon besessen ist ihre schönsten Seiten dadurch zu verbesseren und dass sie glaubt, jeder sollte ganz viel Make-up benutzen, sagt Contactmusic. "Ich liebe es die Konturen meines Gesichts durch Make-up zu verändern Wenn es darum geht falsche Wimpern aufzukleben, benutze ich ein bisschen Vorstellungskraft, viel Eyeliner und eine stetige Hand mit wenig Angst. Für mich ist mehr mehr." sagte sie über ihr Äußeres.Andere ihrer Schönheitstipps sind es viel Wasser zu trinekn, immer ohne Make-up ins Bett zu gehen und sich selbst mit Kokosbutter einzureiben.
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